I have an 05 Prius with gray/burgundy interior. Today, I noticed a dark spot on the upper door panel on the driver's side -- the burgundy part. It was only a couple of millimeters wide, but when I touched it, the burgundy paint color peeled off, and I could see the black plastic underneath. It's on the door panel where I sometimes lean my left elbow as I'm driving. I've only had the car about 5 months, and first, I can't believe the plastic door panels are just painted, and second, I haven't been abusive to the car surfaces, so I'm surprised it's starting to peel so quickly. I know this sounds ridiculous, but has anyone seen this happen? What options do I have to fix it, before the peeling paint goes any further?
This summer there were some reports like this, usually associated with wearing sun-screen on the arm in the window. I think they were repaired under warranty. Ask your dealer. You are not the first to have this happen.
Have a Driftwood 05 purhased in April 05. Same identical problem, except I don't use lotion etc. Figured I'd wait till the area gets larger then take it in for warranty replacement of the panel. It's the only problem I've experienced so I'm still a thrilled Prius owner. M. Kaliski
I have seen the same problem with a spot where the sunscreen on my leg touched the driver side door. I'll have to remember to get that panel replaced before the extended warranty is up. I have also seen a problem with my upper glove box. I thought this was due to a spring slipping, but it might have more to do with the dash warpage some have reported. Another possible warranty replacement, I hope.
VWs are loaded with this soft paint in their interiors. It's terrible. I'm surprised Toyota fixes this for you under warranty.
Firstly, before I launch into my diatribe, I LOVE MY 05 Prius w/ Gray/Burg. Interior. It's the 3rd Toyota I have owned. In general, I think Toyota is at the top of the auto evolutionary heap. That being said, there's still room from them to grow... On with the show... Same issue for me on this BRAND NEW '05 Prius (775miles) and my 02 Highlander. Toyota is stalling, balking and either less than honest or just (pardon my candor) plain butt dumb stupid. I've called and lodged complaint with Toyota about this very issue 2 weeks ago when it first happened. The people who answer the phones, while being lovely and courteous folks are clueless, helpless and basically don't give a flying hoot about the issue. As a person with 25 years in the plastic business, it's my educated 'guess' that Toyota hasn't prepped the substrate (the plastic under the paint) properly. Just like you have to prep metal before you can apply Teflon, you have to chemically or flame treat the substrate so that its surface becomes 'attractive' to the paint being applied. Toyota hasn't done their homework. SCREAM BLOODY FREAKING MURDER, or something close to it, to any human at the Toyota Customer Care Line. Demand the part, panel whatever to be replaced IMMEDIATELY. When I called Toyota about the paint scratching off on my Highlander 3 years ago all they could reply was, "Oh we don't have touch up paint for that!" Lazy, Stinkin Thinkin' on their engineer's parts. SCREAM REAL LOUD, nicely of course! Be a mosquito, BUG EM TILL THEY LISTEN AND TELL YOU WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR!!! Love and Evolution, Ken