I came across an interesting site today. They sell personalized license plates, but with a difference....you control the message. Take a look at SignWave Z. It costs about $199 and has an LED display that can show 118 character messages. There's even a remote that lets you store up to 4 messages. You could program it to say, CURRENT MPG 51.3 or LEGAL IN HOV LANE or whatever. It might be a problem if people want to get too close in order to read it, or they might not like your attitude, but it's interesting nontheless.
Let's equip every teenaged driver in America with one. Oops, that means Dad's car sometimes. Oh, well... Actually, I've thought about such an invention for years. Sometimes the thought has been of a programmable sign in the rear window ( = bigger). I can see it now: DRAFTING IS ILLEGAL, DOOFUS LIKE YOUR AURA. TACO BELL OFF NEXT EXIT Where's Squid?
I've thought about doing this for quite sometime, though not on such a primitive scale and certainly not for so much money! Damn thats expensive! This could be done fairly quickly and cheaply using Stamps or something equivilent. My intention would have been internal keyboard (so you can change your message as you need to) and have one in front/back and both sides, so you can direct your message.
gee cool looking but was fairly certain that its banned here. too much of a distraction on the road. anyone know for sure?
I saw one in San Diego, but I don't know if it was legal or not. After all, some people can "get away" with stuff, but I were to try the same thing, uh uh. My problem with it was that it was really too hard to read. My passenger was able to make out that the driver owned a printing shop, but couldn't get all the information. A short message would be better, like HEY! THREE CAR LENGTHS, BUDDY! It might be fun, I'm seriously thinking of getting the badge for ComicCon.
h34r: I'd get into WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much trouble with that thing... I can't even give you examples 'cause none of them are "clean". :lol: