Taking a solid cue from recent Toyota marketing department minimalisms, I am going to simplify my life and language by truncating some common words I use to merely one letter, and all in lower case. For the immediate future, I will attempt to stupify coworkers, friends and family with new code letters. Syllables will be saved, less energy will be used. I might eat less and have more time. Anything I can to do my part to go "green." a = a&^hole b = beer c = coffee, computer or compact Toyota hybrid, depending on context d = drink or doctor, depending on the need e = evening f = family, friends, food or forum, depending on the activity g = group h = house i = inlaws j = job k = kid(s) l = lawn m = morning n = necessary o = operate p = prius q = (possible new Toyota hybrid) r = rain or rapture, depending how depressed I am s = sex or sleep, depending on need t = truck or TV, depending on context u = underwear v = station wagon-like hybrid w = work x = (this will become a floating target designation to mean almost anything, making understanding the new truncated language even more cryptic and frustrating) y = yard z = (leaving open for the next Toyota announcement) BTW, none of this is new. Many of us already practice truncated lingo; texting already addresses this. And "s.o." will remain "significant other" out of convention. Whether this practice will become oh-so trendy or my personal marketing department's budget will get slashed for not performing creatively enough is anyone's guess. So what you say? Worth doing?
OK, I get that BTW now translates beer truck (@) work, but in the context of "BTW, none of this is new", is not grammatically correct.
Hmmm...does "PSU" mean, "Did IT in the backseat of my Prius wearing just my underwear?" I think I'm too old to learn new tricks! Happy Motoring, Tom
The thought of chaining the letters together to make phrases wasn't part of the thought of the OP <-- scratch that - Original Post. I was just making fun of all these new Toyota model designations they're coming up with.