I have 3 red 2010 Prius IVs with NAV/mats left as of today. MSRP is 30,040. Selling price is 27342 (800 under cost) residual 16,053 rate with tier 1+ credit = .00010 TFS bank fee 650 Lease with 1,199 cash drive offs for 325.29 + tax a month. Or, purchase at 27,342 thru me and use the 0.9 rate for 60 months. Or, use the $1,000 rebate and NO SUBVENTED TFS rates so you net out at 26,342. OK - peanut gallery comments: Have I offered cheaper lease payments for IVs before? Yes, when residuals were much higher. I can't do a damn thing about the residuals now, they are what they are. The recent 5%+ drop is based on Toyota's pencil pushing and fiduciary research & knowledge about what's probably being turned in when it's 3 years from now... and knowing what they have coming down the proverbial pike for product and business. I look at it differently... as I am on the other end of your lease, and turn in time or trade in time. At least you're waaaaay more likely to have equity in 2.5 to 3 years!
2010 V package residuals have not been that high since last March. Just got? Like yesterday or early last year? Who was the lease bank?
Do any have the solar roof? Can you give a quote for: Prius IV, solar roof, sandy beach metallic Thanks, theresa77
More importantly Dianne...I thought your cat's name was Jackson? Now I see you call him Jaxon? Was as I suspect I simply wrong?
Theresa, I'm sorry -- I have 1 blue with sunroof IV left. The rest of my cars are red or blue NAV cars.
Sweetie, he's "almost" always been JAXON! I got him at a pet rescue place and named him Jackson and two days later, Michael Jackson died. I immediately changed the spelling on Jax's name so no one thought I'd named him after the deceased pedoph..er, pop star ... So, you are right! Gosh how observant you are!! I wanna send you a cool prize, PM me your address! Di
Thanks Dianne, but my evil plans for ultimate world domination necessitate my keeping my whereabouts undisclosed. There is no mail service to the mouth of the Volcano inwhich I have built my base of operations. But it is nice to know that it's just not age catching up with me. Give Jaxon a pat on the head and tell him he has won a fan off the internet.