White Prius Taxi's are very common in Italy and look great! Just back, where I saw them frequently in Milan, Bologna and Rome. Now we know where all the white Pri's are going!!
I rode in one in San Jose about 6 months ago. As mentioned above, it is also very common to see them in Vancouver.
Arlington, VA: Envirocab (100% hybrid) enviroCAB ::: Environmentally Sustainable Taxicab Service in Arlington, VA There's also Red Top and several other cab companies in Arlington which have recently added hybrids to their existing fleets.
Fairfax, VA I was just behind a Red Top cab that was a Camry Hybrid. It had big green letters across the back reading, "Hybrid Vehicle", or something like that. Very cool. (Also cool--and unusual--that the driver was in the slow lane, driving the speed limit instead of trying to run everyone else off the road.)
Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a new Silver Prius Cab in our own little Nebraska town! They can't have more than 2-3 cars total so this was a great sight!
In New York City, a Prius taxi is still uncommon. I've only seen a couple of Prius taxis in New York City so far. BTW, the Prius in New York City "Taxicab Yellow" doesn't look very good.
Re: Prius Taxi in DC MD VA Washington Environmental Taxi and Limousine uses red prius taxis. City governments need to encourage the use of hybrid cars. Even for those who think carbon emission has nothing to do with environmental deterioration, toyota Priuses make it easy driving through a crowded traffic. They are smaller and they help ease the traffic.
Seems like the only taxis I see in Ann Arbor are the Prius. All of them are yellow. Seems very smart to me. Plenty of leg room in back, but I do wonder how much luggage can go behing the back seat if the car is full of passengers.
We know a good thing when we see it The UK is Europes largest market for Prius yet our total yearly sales in 2010 was about 11,000 which is less than one months sales in the USA.
wow.. better than us I guess. Latest numbers I've heard put us at 21,000 since 2000... That's 10 years of Prius and only 21,000 sold.
A huge percentage of the Taxis here in Vancouver BC are Prii, with many of them at 200,000-500,000 km's on original drivetrain/batery. It's interesting how readily the cabbies here jumped on them VS many of the USA cities. Is it a domestic pride issue?
I'm pretty sure it's the 40% difference in fuel cost. Or maybe more drivers are owner drivers in Canada? Nice to hear about the mileages (or km's) at those levels. I've got a long way to go yet then.
One thing kinda depressing about Vancouver Prius cabs: to see them sitting idling, while cabbies read/sleep. Also, they tend to drive pretty aggresively, depends on the individual.