Hey all, I've been lurking for a bit but let me explain a few things regarding my situation and how I decided to go with a hybrid. I currently drive a 2007 Scion tC with ~30k miles. I had an agreement with my father that if I got a scholarship to school, he'd get me a car. I got the scholarship, and after graduation I was greeted with my "new" car. He bought it with 1500 miles on it, but we didn't realize it was salvaged. I've recently learned that salvaged vehicles mean I'm boned in the event of needing warranty repair, insurance payouts, etc. so I'm ditching it while it still has value. This means I'm in the market to buy a car, and with the 2010's rotting on the lot, I feel ok buying one new. I'm looking for the 18-22k range, and it seemed that since I have no pressing needs for speed, cargo, etc. a hybrid would be a wonderful choice. That being said, here's a bit about my driving habits: I park outside in a reserved space, live in MD (so some snow). I commute ~10 miles to work each way. 6 miles is highway, the rest is stop-and-go city traffic. I drove around 10k miles last year, but this is going up due to grad school commutes (~15 miles highway) and girlfriend going to school further away. My Scion currently gets ~25 mpg, and around 30 highway. I have a dog, so leather seats aren't ideal. Bluetooth is the only real option I get excited about, as MD laws make it illegal to talk on your phone without handsfree. I think I'm going to look for a Prius III, or a Prius II with the bluetooth upgrade if possible. I don't have a preference for color, as long as it's not blue. Around here, a lot of II's and III's are listed at around 20k, so that's a good starting point. I'm going to the dealership tomorrow to do some test drives...any suggestions on what to look out for? I'm a little fuzzy on how the warranties work out in terms of bumper to bumper, powertrain, batteries, etc. I'm also going to a Honda dealer to check out the Insight. I'm not wild about the way the interior is set up, but at such a discount I can overlook the mileage and at least take it for a spin. Still, I'm excited
Hi. The Prius should be a pretty good fit. With that kind of commute I would imagine getting close to 50 mpg EPA estimate. I would image you would also have a pretty good choice too. I would also try the internet for deals near by. Of course you will be checking for a clear title. The Toyota warranty is transferable. So no problem there. Good luck. p.s. Do try the Insight and let us know how it compares.
Here's my advice. If you aren't 100% sure of how much you want or are willing to pay or should pay, and you aren't 100% sure exactly what you want....comparing a Prius and an Insight...then tomorrow? Test Drive, gain information BUT do not let yourself sign anything...look, learn, get a feel for the automobiles, but "excited" and "test drive" can actually be a bad combination. Trust me...you test drive, and most dealerships will try to "put you in the car today"...which is fine if you are 100% sure you are getting what you want, at the price you want it...but if you aren't sure...and since you are looking at both Prius and Insight...it suggests to me you aren't...then I would default to telling yourself tomorrow is simply a step in the process. Look, test drive, gain information...but let yourself go home and think about it... Also, I own a Honda. I like Honda's a lot...but (and you might already know this) but Honda Insight with IMA and Toyota Prius with HSD...while both are "hybrids" they are IMO significantly different animals. I'm a big fan of the long term superiority of HSD. There's a lot of differences in the systems...but in general they have been described as thus: IMA is Integrated Motor Assist...which is an electric motor assisting a gasoline engine for better fuel economy... HSD is Hybrid Synergy Drive...which is more an electric motor system and a planetary gear based transmission being assisted by a gasoline engine... I think Toyota's HSD is the benchmark for Hybrids. Opinon...not a proveable fact. Once you know exactly what you want, what is possible and have determined the price you are willing to pay...then as long as you stick to those parameters you won't drive off the lot with less than you want, and/or paying more than you wish. You might already know this as well, but if you have a few hours to kill? Hunting around Youtube you can watch just about every review or informational piece released about Prius and Insight...as well as personal shots and ads.... Great place to learn more about anything than you ever wanted to know....kind of a fun way to kill an evening....
Read through www.carbuyingtips.com then go to www.aaa.com to build a car & get up to 3 dealer quotes. Don't buy anything until you know what you want. Around here it's a good time to test drive as parking lots & side streets are sloppy.
Well, here's what happened. We went to one Toyota dealer nearby and I test drove a II, and LOVED it. I told the saleswoman that I was also going to drive the Insight and wanted a bottomline price so that I could have an idea of what each was going to cost me. My father dealt with her before to buy a few Camries but their inventory came up short, so he had a relationship with this woman. She still jerked us around, her and her manager wouldn't budge from 21,500 for a Prius II. Despite showing them cheaper deals online and the USAA price, the manager was pretty rude and we walked out. I went to the Honda dealer across town, and test drove the Insight. I don't want to knock it, by no means was it a bad car, it was just kind of "blah" in comparison. I was blown with how well the Prius handled, but the Insight had the same power and less cornering ability. Unfortunately, the dealer only had 2011, fully-loaded Insights so the price difference was basically non-existent. Then I went to another Toyota dealer near the Honda guys. They had a silver III with dark gray interior that I just fell in love with. I showed them a comparison price online for a III listed at $20,639 and they said they couldn't go that low; the bracket they could settle on was $1500 below invoice. We walked away and called the dealer that listed the III at $20,639 and it turned out that he would have soaked me in fees, so we went back inside and compromised with the salesman for $23,500 OTD (stupid 6% MD tax). I'm happy as a clam! I've yet to average under 51 mpg. I get around that on my commute to work, and around 60 mpg scooting around town.
Glad to hear everything went well. I love researching automobiles...but I have a hyper paranoid fear and distaste for the typical "dealership" experience. Glad it seemed to go well, sounds like you did end up getting what you wanted at a decent price.
Congratulations on the new car ! We had the same experience, some toyota dealers are too firm on the price, finally I had a dealer with the color I wanted (blizzard pearl/misty gray) and they matched the price from another internet quote. There are only a few 2010s now so hard to get the right color at the right price. Our CA tax is much higher..but we can't do anything about it. I just hope to keep the car for a long time so I dont have to deal with another dealer and a huge sales tax
Congrats and :welcome: to PriusChat! Browse the Knowledge Base (currently under the Gen II forums) for some tips and tricks that are universal to all Prius models.