I'll get on it ASAP. It'll have to be on the QT, but I should have an answer PDQ. I'd answer now, but the HDD in my PC is FUBAR because of short MTBF, and I never backed up onto DVD. This violates our SOPs that reside in our ERP that we implemented with SAP. On a completely unrelated note, IIRC the CIA was MIA on the issue of WMDs in the UAE. hope this helps. EOM
Translations: GPS: Global Positioning Satellite NMEA: National Marine Electronics Association NAV: Short for Navigation system on the Prius APRS: Automatic Position Reporting System Answer to your question: No. ASAP: As Soon As Possible HDD: Hard Drive/disk PC: Personal Computer FUBAR: litteral translation inappropriate for this site. Means messed up. I'm too exhausted to translate the rest.