My neighbor says he can cause IA and IB at will in his Prius. He said he would take it into the dealer except he's afraid to drive it. You people shouldn't be joking about this. What if your daughter got in your Prius and stepped on the throttle and the car moved, then she stepped on the brake and the car stopped. How would you feel then?
To all PriusChat readers: I somewhat regret any discomfort that my sarcastic appellation of the UA thread may have caused upon any persons, with or without neighbors, who are engaged in the time-honored tradition of self enrichment through frivolous tort, or any person, with or without daughters, whose driving skills should relegate them to the sole use of mass-transit. There! You're right. I feel better.
Forgot to mention that I have also experienced ES (extra savings) in driving my III on a November road trip to Quebec City. I had budgeted $150 for hotel parking, and when I got there found out the parking was free for hybrids. That paid for my fuel both ways, and scored me a rather nice bottle of wine!
sh*t-scared ain't nothing in terms of addressing severity...come back to me when you're scared sh*tless.:rockon:
I've never owned a Gen III Prius but I drove one once as can be witnessed in my avatar. Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you? Yes! Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you? If the words sound queer and funny to your ear, a little bit jumbled and jivey Sing "Mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy" Oh! Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you-oo? A kiddley divey too, wouldn't you?
well it took me a couple of months to get over the sinking feeling that the ICE stops when the car stops. every time it stopped, for a millisecond, my heart would stop (flashbacks to an old car stalling) then i would realize its suppose to do that. slowly getting used to
I have a brother-in-law who has a friend that has a sister whos father works at a toyota dealership. I called him about this issue, and he said to stop "Intended Acceleration" (the quick fix), there is a pedal to the right side of the brake (located about foot level on the drivers side to the right). Should be easy to see, don't press down on it at any time during driving conditions. He said this has fixed over 90% of the "Intended Acceleration" problems that have came through the service department. Hope this helps.
well i drove on t he highway and pressed down the pedal to the floor after a while i let it go thats was my frist intended runaway.
Not to be a spoiled sport, but Hawaii has (I think) 3 Interstate highways (maybe only 2). You tell me how to get from state to state on one of those Interstate highways and I'll be driving to Hawaii real soon. I'm keeping my Prius in the garage. No need to experience what all of you are experiencing. Way too many happy people. I live in Los Angeles. Bring me some grief (don't let my girlfriend read this, OK?). Mike
LMAO, I didn't even consider Hawaii and thanks for the visual of a Prius charging off into the Pacific. However, after looking them up, Hawaii's highways built under the Interstate highway program to Interstate standards are designated by an H instead of an I because they aren't "Interstate" highways.
Actually, I think they still call them interstate highways because they are part of the "interstate system" (whatever that means). Basically, I think what we call it is of little importance. What it really is, like you said, is federal money used to build important roads to specific standards. In this case, between military bases. And if it isn't that, then it's federal money used to build highways and every state should have equal access to that money. Whatever the case, I still want to drive to Hawaii. I'm not too sure about the gas stations along the way, but my Prius gets 50MPG! Take that, you gas guzzlers! I forgot to add: I really like my illuminated door sills. Oh wait, I'm supposed to hate something? OK, I hate that the door sills that I added illuminate in a blue color which matches the color of my car. I'm not too good on this hate thing. Mike
Best sargasm I've experienced in a long time! Keep it coming, pls. My major complaint: the car doesn't fly! I want to get around like George Jetson.
I had a brake problem a couple of days ago. We took a drive Through Foresthill up to China Wall at 5,000 feet elevation in the Sierra Nevada. In the winter the road isn't cleared past China Wall OHV staging area and the road clearing was a little spotty the last mile before the end of cleared pavement. I was able to test my brakes on some short patches of ice on the road. The ABS worked but my car didn't accelerate when the ABS actuated on ice patches. Will the dealer fix this problem under warranty?