Good morining all, I just picked up my 05 prius yesterday and I am in the process of doing my homework, by reading the owners manual. I got to the portion on unlocking the doors with the Smart Key function. I want all of the doors to open when I open the drivers door. There is a section in the manual that tells you how to do this (page 31). The problem is, that when I try to follow the directions, it doesn't work. Does anyone have any info, or can tell me what I am doing wrong. I am sure I will have many more questions, for all of you experienced prius owners, in the future. Thanks in advance
Procedure in manual worked for me: Hold down LOCK and PANIC buttons together for 5 seconds. This will change it from one setting to another, as listed on page 31.
I have successfully done this. It took two or three tries, but it was well worth it. No special words of advice, just follow the directions and don't rush or freak out. Good luck!
I've got some: If you are with your wife and she's going to get to the car before you, press the button on the fob. After the third or fourth time of standing there, trying the door, and having to wait for you, she will quickly become iritated. At least that's my experience. :mellow:
I think the most common problem is being impatient. Hold both buttons and count slowly to five, then continue holding the button for a couple of more seconds. Eventually it will beep back at you, but it does seem to take a long time.
I'm trying to get this to work on my 04 Prius. The instructions are in the booklet. However, when I try it, it doesn't change the unlocking ability. I have a base model Prius that doesn't have the nice buttons on the door handles. Is that why it does work for me? Also, the Panic alarm activates during the procedure, is that normal? Thank you!
On the Prius Classic (mine is 01), one click opens the driver door and two clicks open all doors. Does it not work like that any more on the base model? I've ordered an 06 with Package 6 but I will be keeping the 01. This smart key thing will probably require several spouse training sessions. ^_^
It's still the same when you use the buttons on the fob. I just went out and tried it on my 05 and I have the smart key system. When you become accustom to the smart key system you may find, as I have, that you don't use those buttons any more. Check your owners manual carefully though because the smart key system can be set up to operate three different ways (the salesperson won't know that most likely). The owners manual tells you how to set it up using the fob. One way smart key opens all the doors, another way it only opens the drivers door if you are standing by the drivers door and all the doors if you are standing by the passengers door, the third way I can't remember.