Maybe you can scare the crap out of those birds before you arrive by attaching this guy to the roof of your Prius :lol: . . . The rotating base mounts easily to any flat surface and spins in the wind. Four predator/scare sounds are programmed in the unit: birds in distress, predator attack cries and wing beats from birds taking flight. A photo cell activates the sounds during daylight hours only. Screech owl $95.00 each Although, if your “mean birds†are crows, you may end up with twice the amount of crap on your car! Crows harass owls.
wow man oh man... i suppose you are not in favor of the newer wind generators suggested by many because they will kill less birds??
the acid in bird poop is the worst for your paint. I am a professional painter and always recommend a good paste wax to help prevent damage. Try this if y'all ever have poopy areas that are unavoidable. 3M
I don't think that scaring the crap out of the birds is the problem. The problem is that the crap left the birds. If only there were a device like that to scare the crap back into the birds...
Oooh, ouch! That does NOT look good! Glad to hear you got it all cleaned off. I know what kind of damage bird crap can do to the paint job of a car. I was in school for several classes and left my old Saturn sitting in the parking lot for about 5 hours baking in the 90 degree August sun. When I returned to the car, there was a gigantic pile of crap on the hood-I was seriously wondering what this bird ate to be able to crap that large amount-it ate thru the paint pretty badly, even though I took it to get cleaned immediately. Fortunately (?) the car was totalled 3 month later so I didn't have to worry about the way the spot on the hood looked for too long.