Ok, I'm 20 days into ownership of my 05 Tideland Pearl, and I'm loving it! This morning, I pulled into a parking space, and heard the sound of the plastic rim (I think that's what I've seen it be called here) against the little parking barricade. This was the small kind - just about 3-4" off the ground. Coming from my Highlander to the Prius, I've got to remember how low to the ground I am! Did anyone else have this adjustment "issue" when first driving their Prius? (I know it's not a fault of the car, but of the owner.)
I quickly learned to NOT try to touch the concrete parking blocks in a parking lot. But the lower edge of the front apron is already scuffed and gouged where it made contact. With my 2000 GMC Sierra I was used to driving up until the front wheels touched, then parking it. The rear isn't much better. I have already gouged the rear apron plastic. So I just tend to avoid those concrete parking blocks in stalls by parking a good foot or so away.
I've also been spoiled by my SUV when parking. Everytime I park I just run up until I hit the little curb (softly mind you) to make sure the back of my car is out of the road as much as possible (and in an H2, you can barely feel hitting the curb!). I'm worried that on Monday when I get my Prius I will have this same problem when I'm in a hurry and being forgetful. Is the lip low enough to cause visible damage (without looking under the car) on a normal curb?
It takes a while to learn how close you can get and still not stick out the back of the parking slot. I remember the first time I did it. I still do it but only every few months usually when I am in a hurry.
Well, I do not have my Prius yet, though uhm. I've done that enough times to be causing damage to my car (in my past civics). I blame it on my being a suckass driver. Makes me want to install frontal-cameras which watch down there.. grin
Have to admit that after reading all of the rear view camera postings, I was thinking the same thing! I don't seem to have the problem backing up!
Thanks for making me feel better about this. I cursed myself when I did it (self-name calling, of course). I felt like I had spanked a newborn infant!