I recently purchased a Droid X and I love it. I only use about 200 minutes a month so I went with Page Plus Cellular and bought their 2000 minutes for $80 plan which I can use for 365 days. I figure this is my best option. The only down side is I cant use data or if I do use data it costs a LOT. So I have cellular data turned off on the phone. I only use wifi. I figure that since I have wifi at home and at work I'll be just fine plus there is usually free wifi at places I go. I'm also using sipdroid with google voice so I can make free calls over wifi. Most of my calls are when I'm at home or work so I can use that instead of my voice minutes. Anyway I was just wondering what your favorite apps are? I dont really have a favorite app yet besides sipdroid. Is there anything you would suggest I get? Free is better but if the app is really useful I would consider paying.
I don't have an Android device yet but this App makes me want to get one:rockon: See post #39 in this thread- http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...-you-use-your-scangauge-ii-4.html#post1222877
Angry Birds...duh! Advanced Task Killer (to kill apps and keep them from using battery in standby) current widget (to monitor battery usage, how much is being used at any given time) LauncherPro (if your current launcher doesnt cut it)
I'm still rocking the original Droid. Here is a parital list of my apps. Handcent Google My Maps Editor Astro File Manager AK Notepad The Weather Channel Dolphin Browser Advanced Task Killer A widget (I don't knwo what it is called) that lets me easily turn on/off Wifi/Bluetooth/GPS/brightness Google Talk Documents to Go MLB At Bat ESPN Radio Sports Tap Pandora IMDB Dictionary.com Urbandictionary Automount Barcode Scanner Bubble Droidlight FMyLife Official Life Stories GPS Status Magic 8-ball Priority Club (Holiday Inn's points sytem)
Here's a few: Perfect Pitch is an ear-training program. With it, maybe eventually I'll be able to tell what key a song is in and I won't have to ask the other guys I play with. (I play mando and banjo.) gStrings is a tuning meter. I use it sometimes, but mostly I use a tuner that clips to the pegboard, because it's smaller and lighter than the Android phone. Flightview is a good flight-tracking app. Google Sky is awsome. I know the basic star-map almanac is available in a lot of Linux distos, but being able to point the phone at the sky and have it show you the stars, planets, and constellations on the display is way cool. The Kindle book reader IS practical for reading kindle books, even on the small screen, but ONLY books, you can't read your magazine subscriptions. Gutenberg will find and read all the books in the Project Gutenberg library. Latest Quakes is a decent interface for USGS earthquake reporting. Solar Dynamics Obsrvatory shows current sunspot movies. Scanner Radio monitors police scanners by streaming the output of Websites run by guys who have the actual scanner radios. It'll find the local ones by using your GPS location. Angry Birds is creepy if you think about it. You've got these suicide-bomber birds that you fly into buildings in order to collapse the buildings in order to kill smug pigs. In general, I'm disappointed in the technical quality of most of the apps in the Android store, relative to some of the things I've seen on other guys' iPhones. Like, right after the iPhone came out, flying buddies were showing me flight simulators with built-in approaches, based on FAA publications, that used Google Earth to give you an out-the-window experience as you banked and tilted the phone to input roll and pitch. And at our ham radio club, one guy used the iPhone's GPS earth model and Google Earth to make a fox-hunting (hidden microtransmitter search) app for the iPhone that let you click bearings from different vantage points to zero-in on the fox transmitter. (Instead of doing your own plotting on topo maps -- kind of unsportsman like, I'll admit.) I'm not a big Apple fan, but there aint nothing like that in the Android store. (Not even a ham code practice program or a front-end for QRZ.com database that I could find.)