Having used the Toyota factory audio and phone interface on a new 2010 Prius III with JBL sound, navigation and XM radio for a few days, the problems with iPod functions others have described have now become clearer. The factory audio interface via USB cable to an iPhone 3GS works O.K. for phone and phone contact functions, but the phone's iPod functions through the Toyota screen are inadequate. In addition, when the iPhone is synced with its desktop computer mothership, iTunes now gives me a new error message that the phone can't be backed up. What are people's current favorite (non-Toyota) solutions to have full integration of the iPhone 3GS with the Prius, including iPod music functions? If I had to, I could live without the XM radio, but want the functions of an iPod. Thanks very much.
I would like an answer too. I had the problem with my IPhone 3GS and still have it with my 4. The most annoying thing is that if I am listening to an audiobook via Bluetooth and turn the car off, I have no idea where it will pick up when I restart. Usually at the beginning of the section but sometimes it even goes to another book. Very annoying.
My Nav manual does not include either the 3GS or 4 as compatible with the USB, but various iPods are compatible. What an astonishing design flaw.
I must admit that I haven't looked it up, but I suspect that the manual was printed before either one of those phones was widely available so I don't know if that is dispositive of anything. But thanks.
On this thread, Joe166, it seems there won't be quick answers for some reason. And I didn't find other threads I read about this to be complete. Eventually I'll do my own research by talking with electronics manufacturers. One source I've trusted for tools was Installer.com. I used a little of their stuff when I modified the factory head unit in my 2005 GTO. But I sent them an e-mail last week about the Prius and hadn't heard back from them. They might respond better to a phone call.
Hey, amorris: Since I have an older iPod (5th gen.?) which came just before the touch series, I tried it last night on my Prius. The Prius showed the same graphical user interface (GUI) as with my iPhone 3GS. Although the iPhone 3GS or iPod GUIs are vastly better, to me the real issues on the Prius GUI are that search, paging and viewing functions are glacial in speed. Although Toyota says iPods are compatible with its nav system, for someone with thousands of sound files the Toyota to iPod GUI is impractical and virtually useless. I'm not discussing the car's overall value or utility to me here, but just that one (important) system. I've had satellite radio before and was very happy with it; it's possible I'll start another subscription in my Prius before it lapses. But in my case it's at least as likely that I'll stream Pandora radio from the aux jack on my iPhone. And if I got tired of Pandora's infrequent ads, $36 per year for Pandora is less than $150 for Sirius XM. Before AT&T changed their billing options, my iPhone's data plan is $30 monthly for all I can eat.
I have a 2011 with the factory USB plug and an iPhone4. Have not had any problems with either the car, phone, or iTunes connecting either via BT or USB. I do agree that the BT interface could be improved with grater functionality. By using the USB plug you gain the controls you do not have with the BT. When I get in the car the BT connects and just starts to play either where it left off or a random song if you changed what you were listing to while out of the car. That is kind of annoying to just have the BT connect and start playing so to avoid this I turn the audio off prior to turning off and leaving the car. Is your iPhone software updated to the current version, unlocked and or jail-broken?
I've found that if I stopped the music before I turned off the car, the music would start where it left off when I got back in.