Hello All; I am a newbie, and near future Prius owner. Does anyone know if, once I purchase my new car and have VIN numbers available, I can apply for stickers? Or, must I wait for DMV to send new license plates so I may indicate license plate numbers on the HOV application? Has anyone applied for stickers immediately after purchasing car, without license tag information? Thanks for any help. Psydoc
Psydoc, You do not have to wait for your license plates to apply for the HOV stickers. You didn't indicate where you reside, but if you are a resident of Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano or Sonoma County, you must include an original receipt from Bay Area FasTrak as evidence of a "FasTrak" toll account for your hybrid. For the FasTrak enrollment instructions for hybrid vehicles, see http://www.mtc.ca.gov/services/fastrak/hybrids.htm Oswaldo
Thanks for the info. I'm in LA county and have seen several Prii without license plates, but with HOV stickers. I didn't know what the law allows regarding applications, but I am anxious to get in the HOV lane asap. See you all on the road in the new Prius-looking forward to becoming less dependent on oil. Psydoc.
I was curious about this too, and so I contacted the DMV a couple weeks back. They confirmed that the plates were not needed on the form -- only the VIN.