Two of mine fell off while driving. I took my car in for a problem with the fuel efficiency and my Toyota dearship threw a fit and said it was because I took off the covers. After some discussion about how bad their service department is, they agreed to replace the two hubcabs that came off. The problem is that the two I took off and put in my storage room got thrown out during a clean out. Does anyone know where to get them or anyone who is selling theirs? I looked at OEM ones without the Toyota logo, but I am not sure how different they would be from the Toyota ones I am getting replaced...might look bad.
I'm in a somewhat similar situation. My wife hit a curb last night, got a flat tire (left rear), and lost the hub cap. According to the AAA guy, the tire is toast, and will need replacing. I didn't have time to look at it, but plan on getting a new tire and hubcap at the dealer. Any alternatives would be welcomed. Car is about a month old Prius III with about 1800 miles. Whatta shame. BT
Many have removed, so you should be able to find here or on ebay. Suspect any mpg impact will prove minimal. I leave mine on just because they might help a little with mpg, and they potentially protect the rims from minor curb scrapes. But it looks better without them.
Many here have removed the wheel covers only to find really nice rims behind them. I took mine off and used electrical box cover plugs (1 1/2 inch) to cover the center hole. I think they look fine and several members here stated the the mileage difference without them was negligible. I have not noticed any significant mileage change with the wheels uncovered.
I suspected it wouldn't really improve MPG much, but when Toyota saw them missing, it became the prime reason why suddenly my MPG was much lower than expected. You know how it goes with service. I was trying to decide if I wanted to remove them and that was decided for me when 2 spun off and I had not even hit a curb at all to do it.
How big of MPG problem are you having? I saw a Prius in the parking lot at work today and sure enough 2 of their caps were missing. This has got to be a common problem to loose caps. I took one of mine off just to look and they come off pretty easy. The same is not for putting them back on, took both hands and a foot to get it to all line up. Pound one side on and the other would pop up. I can see how it would be easy to put it on incorrectly. TED
Git rid of those wheel covers. The alloy wheels look great without the covers. Without them, you will never worry about losing and replacing another plastic wheel cover. Just like any other car, be careful when you park to ensure that you don't scrape the alloy wheels against the curb. Keith
Are the covers really useless? I'll admit to having a hard time understanding how my car has both alloy wheels AND wheel covers. Seeing as how the car is brand new, I have not tinkered w/ it yet. Including pulling the covers (hubcaps) off.
I am willing to sell 1->4. They are almost new - removed from my sister-in-laws GenIII when she got new rims. PM or email me if interested [email protected].
Some say they are for aerodynamics, I think they are covered because without covers they look better than the wheels on the V.
I have 3 for sale as well, I have the 4th one but it has a lil roundish edge crack from hitting a curb will send reasonable amount.
I pulled mine off the minute I saw that you could, 1 day after I drove it home. I have 4. PM if interested.
Does everybody pull their covers off? I'm consdidering pulling mine off - I actually dislike hubcaps. I've upgraded trims on cars just to get to the alloys.
I pulled mine off, I like the looks of it with them off, even the wife likes them better off, and she's always told me wheels don't matter...I ordered the center caps off of Ebay and just put them on, I think it looks much better IMO.
I ordered the cargo net from a ebay seller who is actually the internet parts person for a dealership somewhere. They also have the center caps - I'm strongly considering pulling my covers off.
There are at least two different Toyota center caps. One is shiny chrome with the Toyota emblem. The other is textured so it isn't as shiny, IIRC they also have the Toyota emblem. I got the shiny ones before I saw the textured ones. I would have bought the textured ones if I had known about them, they are better match for the wheels. I still like the shiny ones but they would have been my 2nd choice. Part numbers for both are listed in other threads.
Or pick them up from a hardware store. I got 4 of these from Orchard Supply Hardware for less than 5 dollars. And they look good too!