Hi Red triangle appeared first about 2 months ago, then again a month later and again on 26 Dec when looking for parking had to snail around a lot in the car park and then wait on long queue to go up to the upper park level; couldn't reverse when found parking spot apparently battery totally drained out. Local tech scanned and found codes as mentioned above. C1521 and C1522 relates to Steering Wheel power motor, if I remember correctly. I had noticed some funny vibrating feeling to the steering wheel when coming off the driveway and trying to turn right. Other than this no driving problems at all. Any help to know further about codes B100, C1521 and C1522 would be greatly appreciated. Local tech wasn't sure of codes C1521 and C1522 and what to do about these. My car has done more than 2,00,000 Ks and running perfect. Thank you
Is your car a Japanese imported NHW10 or one of the few officially imported NHW11's? They look similar but there is a big difference between them. One was almost a test mule for the Japanese market only and has quite a few faults (these cars are also imported into the UK second hand from Japan). The latter had most issues ironed out before it was released to the world market. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Prius_(XW10)
Welcome amarjeet. If your car has a 'spoiler' on the trunk (boot) lid it is an NHW11. Otherwise and NHW10. If the latter, I suggest you check in at the yahoo group called Mk1_Prius - it is the largest online group devoted to that model. If yours is an NHW11, yuo can read more about the power steering 'shakes' in the archives here. Unfortunately it is not an uncommon problem.
Hi Tochatihu Many thanks for the link; still reading through. Will come back again with more questions, lol. AJ