There seem to be a number of posters who show cats in their avitar. It seems reasonable that there are more animal lovers at Priuschat than at some other sites. But why cats? My own babies are Marvin and Mickey, orange tabbies, one fat, one skinny. They ride in the motorhome, but not in the Prius. I'll probably change my avitar to show one or both in a few days. My theory: I think that cats are independant wild animals who choose to associate with us or even to love us when the mood is right. Perhaps something in a Prius owner's makeup is more likely to appreciate that. Your theory? comments? Introduce your cats (or whatever you have)?
Dang, polkanoble, I was going to open a cat thread and you got there first! This one could end up longer than "2006 Prius Options..." I, too, wonder about the link between cats and all these engineers and math/science types. I have three cats, but would actually, most of the time, prefer a dog---specifically a golden retriever or black lab. But I simply don't have the time to pay enough attention to a dog. Most dogs have souls. Cats have, um, something more akin to an Intel chip. Cats are the ultimate hedonist critters. Owner = food source. Owner = stroking.
My wife works at a Vet clinic and we've acquired several cats. My avatar is Silver Belle, one who I could say was "my" cat. She'd follow me around and lick my forehead. She had to be euthanized a week after I got the Prius. I named it "Blue Belle" after her.
I had kittens in my avatar, but switched recently. The kitten pictures are at and they are named Mischief (grey) and Artemis (not grey) We got them on July 4 this year, at age 10wks.
We are new Prius owners with three cats, Mr. Bogdan, Katrina and Sara. You can learn about them, read their blogs, see pictures and write them letters at Caster (see links below). Ya, we are dorks that like cats and our Prius. - Bogdan - Sara - Katrina
Although We have a cat that were very attached to my avatar is of my best friend, Ralph Waldo "Emmitt"son. Who We lost this spring to a tumor.
My avatar is a dog because I don't have a cat. But even the dog's picture looks better than mine would.
>>><<< Thanks, this is the first time I knew that old threads were available. I enjoyed reading them. The new responses are great. Any one out there have another good explaination as to why cats and prius go together.
My theory: Besides cats actually owning people (and not the other way around), they are also secretly in control of the world. They've getting concerned about the depletion of fossil fuels, and have decided it's time that we "monkey boys" start getting with the program. So, why you sleep: [Broken External Image]: Buy a Prius! BUY A PRIUS!
:lol: Awesome post! Therefore... [Broken External Image]:
bookrats, you forgot to mention that all cats, in addition to being in control of the world, are INSANE. [as evidenced by the two furry demons currently tearing up our living room and stepping on my poor husband's head as they jump over our couch!]
My cats aren't insane -- they just have their, um, little quirks. One will come up to me a couple times a day, meowing piteously until I follow her to one of two specific points in the house so that I can watch her roll around on the floor and pet her at exactly the right times during her rolling-around process. Another demands that I follow her for her rounds -- she'll walk around the house and stop at various points for me to pet her and reassure her that yes, this is still her territory. The cat pictured in my avatar will walk back and forth in front of me until I have no choice but to pick him up (as opposed to my other two, who absolutely hate being picked up) and carry him around so that he can inspect the light switches, doorknobs, and thermostat.
My sister had a cat at one time. (I think he was siamese). He was something to see. As my wife and I drove up to the house, we wondered who was looking out the window. As we got closer, there was Spice with his head in the blinds looking to see who was coming. He periodically got his head stuck in a jar they had around and they had to put it up to keep him from doing it. He would just get wound up for no reason and begin running through the house and springing off the walls going raaawwwwrr raaawwwrrrrr. The funniest, thought, was one night we were over there and I picked up his favorite toy. It rattled and he came running and looked up at me with his head tilted and a very serious look on his face. I said, "Spice, do you want this?" He did not move or change his expression. I tossed it to the side and as he walked away from me to get it, he looked over his shoulder and said "meowmeowrawwrmeow". I looked at my sister and burst into laughter. "Spice just cursed me out !" I miss that cat.
Heh, I was wondering about this too. Seems like avatars are either priuses or cats. So in honor of this I pulled out an old avatar I used. Not my cat - it's a picture of somebody's cat named Aishka from the site, which is a fun site to peruse. However, we do have two cats, Chesapeake and Valentine. -bill
<_< Mark Twain: "A home without a cat, and a well-fed and properly revered cat, may be a good home... perhaps. But how can it prove title?" My avatar is "Her Royal Catness Princess RUFFruff." She allows us to live in her house and permits us to feed her, groom her and assure that she is pampered and cared for. She adopted us 10 years ago from "Operation Kindness" - a shelter which does not kill animals. She is a great companion and contributes to lowering my blood pressure. Would you believe she also has her own Palm Vx PDA?.... well.... would you believe?...
I had a cat avatar, but have since switched to the one you see now. My mom still has a cat my brothers found at the local elementary school just before we moved from CA to OK. This was over 15 years ago, and she's still alive. We call her Fatso. Yeah, I know.....not good for the cat's self-esteem. She sleeps 20 hours a day, weighs 19 lbs., has the softest fur ever, and eats like food is going out of style. Give her a shoebox and she'll squeeze into it. She also has the loudest purr of any cat ever.