It's been a long time since posting on this board. I bought a 2010 Prius back in mid/late 2009 when they arrived at the dealers here in Phoenix. After almost 40k fabulous miles, I was forced to sell it because of a company car. Well, it looks like the company car is being replaced w/ a car allowance, so I'll be able to choose which car I drive for work. My FIRST CHOICE would be another Prius. I loved that car and I miss it! Being that it's been a long time since I've been on this site, is there anything new on the 2011 models that would make me choose a 2011 over a "gently used" 2010 model? (Interior / exterior / features?) I figured I'd get more information from all of you folks than I would perusing the internet. Thanks everyone!
There is which is a sticky at the top of Gen III 2010 Prius Main Forum - PriusChat Forums.
I was looking for a used 2010. Most of them are former rental cars. Just got a great deal on a 2010 with 0% interest. Cheaper than many of the used ones.
My Touring was a former rental car. Bought it at 10k miles. Previous drivers must have drove it pretty hard. It was showing 37mpg at time of purchase and I looked at the navigation history and someone had driven it up to Oregon. Lol Wth?! Since then I've "macmaster-ified" it, getting 52mpg and no issues since. But I'm glad you got the car you wanted.
Eh? Something wrong w/driving a Prius from the Bay Area to Oregon? I had to drive mine solo from San Jose to the Seattle area where I am now. On a tangent, today I saw yet another (rare for this area, since they're not really sold here) NAH at the Renton, WA Fry's. It had California plates and strangely enough had a Zipcar sticker on it. I wonder if the driver works for Zipcar or if he or someone else paid a ton of $ to drive it up here.
Look at a CT200 H Also up on Ontaio there is go pricing on the HS250h HS250h will get a lower mileage but if you spend a lot time in the car , the lexus features my work for you
Get an 11. That is unless you're only gonna keep it for a year or two. Good luck finding a 'gently used' 10. We used to say "NOTHING handles like a rental car!" Best of Luck with your decision!
We got the Prius in the C4C program. We were in a hurry to purchase as the program was about to end. We were looking for a Camry hybrid but there were none anywhere. We didn't want to spend a lot of money on another new hybrid, we already had a Lexus RX400h (a $50k SUV). BUT, looking back on it, I wish we had gone the extra $10k for the HS250h. We would have sacrificed some mileage but the Lexus luxury and convenience features would be nice (Premium model). OP, if you spend less than your "allowance", do you get to keep the difference? If so, maybe the Prius is the better choice. If not, and the allowance is enough (even if it means spending some extra than the allowance), you should consider the HS250h. We like the Prius, but I'm going to research the cost of an upgrade.
Toyota's current incentive $1500 cash back ending Mon 1/3/11, so we'll see what 1/4 brings. Given the supply and demand, pretty sure there will be new incentives on the 2011's. 2010's are becoming pretty low supply at Piercey and Sunnyvale, depending on package.
Inventory of 2010s is moving fast here. Glad I bought on the 30th. Alot of the inventory left has the dark grey interior which doesnt seem to be too popular here in Phoenix. It will be interesting to see if they up the incentives on the remaining 2010s. Oh yeah, I also wanted to mention that my salesman said that last week Toyota USA would give him $250.00 for each Prius that he sold. They want these cars gone.
Be sure to consider your finances carefully. If the company car allowance ends for whatever reason, would you be forced to sell that car? If so, if you had bought that one new you'd get soaked again...
I purchased my black 2010 V special ordered from a local dealer in Oct 09 and took delivery in Dec 09. Great car! My wife liked it so much we gave her 03 Corolla to my son. I found a used blizzard pearl 2010 V on Autotrader at a Chicago area dealership with 11K miles. The dealership used it as a loaner car. I got for $13K cheaper than my black special order and had it shipped to Las Vegas. It was in mint condition, not a scratch on it. As it was built in Apr 09 it was missing the USB, 8.1 Nav, and still had the annoying reverse beep on. All easy fixes. I purchased the USB, lit door sills and bamboo console overlays from Sparks Toyota in Myrtle Beach. I had a car alarm/audio guy here install the USB and door sills from an suggestion from someone else on this site and saved about half the dealer cost. Guess I got lucky finding this gem. It's now parked between my black V and our 02 Explorer. So we now have an Oreo in our garage.
Thanks for your replies, everyone! Looks I'll wait until the 2011's hit the lots and I'll go from there. One mistake I won't make again, though...buying a black one. My 2010 black was sharp looking, but the paint chipped really easy. I'm looking forward to another Prius!
Per the "sticky" I just read, it appears there's not much new for the 2011 model (if and when they are ever on the showroom floor). I guess Toyota might be thinking, "Hey, what's to improve?"; but if they want sales, you'd think they'd innovate something - even if only some styling changes. I don't smoke nor drink; I don't like major travel; don't gamble; no expensive hobbies (boats, etc.); and I'm getting too old to chase women (they can outrun me). But, my "vice" is buying new cars. I usually buy a new one every 3 years, and I'm about due (I have an '08 Prius). Problem is, a few gravel paint chips aside, it appears I pretty much have the same car as the '09 thru the '11s, so I can't see buying a new '11 Prius. Maybe 2012 will be a different story? C'mon, Toyota. Do something!
You own a Gen II and if you think you have the same car as the Gen III, there's nothing Toyota can do to make it any different. If you insist on buying every 3 years, why not get something different (Leaf, etc.) and then the Gen IV should be out when you purchase again in a few years.
Well, there will be the "v" model. A little larger. Next year? And of course the "c" model. A little smaller. I suspect it will then replace the Prius standard model as the best fuel economy car sold in North America.
Huh? The 3rd gen Prius (2010+) offers a ton of new features/improvments and have quite a few changes compared to the 2nd gen besides a different interior and somewhat different exterior. I posted about it at If you want to hear/read more, go to and watch the videos and read the PDF in the 1st post. Most cars are on a 3-5 year cycle between generations/redesigns. Sometimes, minor refreshes in are done in the middle stretches out the cycle even further. I doubt we'll see much new for the 2012 model year. From a quick skim of Toyota Prius PHV Plug-In - PriusChat Forums, it seems the PHV won't come until ~June 2012.