Toyota introduced the Hybrid as a media distraction for their main North American marketing push--BIG TRUCKS! The hybrid was something for the media ot focus on, further greening Toyota's image, while Toyota begins its assault on the the last market that they don't compete in. No manufacturer's EPA #'s are falling faster overall than Toyota's, but nobody has noticed because of the media falling over themselves about the Prius. I know of 6 Prius owners and the car is only a trophy that sits in the garage only to be discussed at cocktail parties. The sadest part is Toyota is using the same type of campaign to "Americanize" Toyota to distract the media from what is being done to the US economy. The fact is that Toyota destroys two american jobs for every job they create. I know most of you are not economists, but that is not good for any of us. If you don't believe me check out the "american" content of any Lexus or Prius and you'll find out that the North American content will add up to the value of the decals on the vehicle.
Hallowe'en = trolls. Personally, I hold my cocktail parties IN the garage, with the Prius sort of a high coffee table.
After NAFTA, Mexico and Canada are considered partners in the North American Trading Block. What does that have to do with my earlier statement?
When an American auto manufacturer produces an automobile equivilant to the Prius in quality, function, safety features, styling, and at an equal price I will be standing in line to buy it.
So American companies manufacturing cars in Canada and Mexico help the U.S. economy, but Japanese companies manufacturing cars in the U.S. hurt the U.S. economy?
To equate Toyota's relationship with the American economy to that of Ford or GM is ludicrus. Unfortunately that is exactly what Toyota's advertising and PR machine is directing you to do. Check your stats and find out how many of those Toyota "american plants" pay property taxes and how many are built in TIF districts. Again check out the North American content on your Prius or any high-end Toyota product.
I don't pledge allegiance to Toyota, GM or Rolls Royce or whomever else. I have a Prius because it embraces a new technology that is way overdue in a car industry. A simple fact that this technology is more in touch with a global energy sustainabilty is enough of a factor to posses one. I agree with you wholeheartedly about saving jobs not just in the US but in any other country that faces severe global competition. I sympathize with the ones who may potentially loose their jobs as a consequence. Where is the management in those corporations not being able to manage into the future and plainly only pay attention to the divident recipients of their stockholders? Simply becasue you have 100 acres of a forest it's not wise to chop all the trees at once to make a killer profit if you intend to live off of it. Focus should be on the monkeys running all these corporations and their retraining to be more competitive and on QUALITY of the product (specifically American-made cars) not just bottom line. [Broken External Image]:
I'd rather give my money to the Japanese than the Arabs at this point. I agree, when an American auto manufacturer comes anywhere near competing with the Prius, I also will be standing in line to buy it. Unfortunately, little has been learned by them since I scrapped my totally worn out, 3-transmissions replaced, 6-year old GM product 20 years ago. The Toyota I bought to replace it still runs great, and sits in my garage next to my Prius. They don't do anything to improve the quality or efficiency of their products in over 20 years, and now they sit and cry on the chat sites of the vehicles that have taken their business. Such is life.
Have you checked out the Japanese content on so called American Made cars lately? I was an engineer for General Motors for 10.5 years. My last job was working on the Toyota account tying to convince Toyota to buy our products. It boiled down to quality plain and simple. Nipondenso had better quality than Delco Remy(Delphi) Alternators by a factor of 3 to 4. GM has good people who try hard and mean well but their products simply are not as good. I have purchased 6 GM vehicles since I left GM. I am sorry to say that my warranty experiences and the flat out lies from GM made we convinced that I would never buy another product from them. They treat you as simple trash. The only reason I got help on my waranty problems is because I had worked so long in the business and knew the right contacts. Believe me, I had to use them to get dealers to fix the problems. My last truck has been in the shop for waranty items 6 times! There is still an outstanding recall that I refuse to go have done. Like I said, there are wonderful people working for GM, Ford and Chrysler. But don't expect me to subsidize their retirements or helth care any longer. They lost that opportunity on waranty problem number 12.
So malorn what your saying is because the US car manufacturers refuse to adapt to changing needs or economies or embrace new technologies that we should be forced to buy a lesser product? It scares me to think that a company like Toyota would make a statement that they are reducing production to the US and raising prices so as not to put US car manufacturers out of business. Our car manufacturers didn't or refused t learn the lessons of the 70s 80s. Don't get on your soapbox and spew crap until the US manufacturers decide to wise up. I for one do not want to foot the bill for another auto bail out. I love America, I am pro American but we better wake up and smell the coffee because car manufacturers are not the only ones with this problem.
No it is not. If I am a US automaker manufacturing a car in Mexico or Canada I'm not hiring US workers so there for I am not helping the US economy they are helping their bottom line. So when a foreign auto makes brings jobs to the US they are helping the economy by hiring US workers therefore putting money back into the economy (basic dollars and cents). Your logic on this does not hold water.
FEEDING TROLL HERE - Rookie poster: You know 6 people who own a Prius just to brag about it? They never drive them? That sounds odd but I don't know how it applies to the rest of your post, how American economy has been ruened by people who buy a Toyota Prius (and don't drive them?). How Toyota is using the Prius to hide something up thier sleaves. I have never owned an American car because of real stories from people I know with Fords and GMs always in the shop and parts like mirrors and knobs breaking. My first car was a pre-owned Honda that lasted me 7 years (13 total) and would have lasted longer but I messed with it (over 200,000 miles). 2nd car another Honda lasted me 9 1/2 years and just sold it. It broke down 1 time (just this year) out of the 9+ years with 241,000 miles. So now I want to save money on gas and also gain a better designed and more luxurius car with all the fixings at a resonable price. I am more than happy with my purchase and won't let trolls like yourself jinx me. I may not keep the Prius as long as the Hondas but I will keep an eye on resale value and battery replacments since it's the most expensive car I've owned. Like others have said, I would gladly buy American if we could make equal or better products. I surely don't purposly go out of my way to buy foriegn. In this case it just works out that way. I can't see the point in buying a car just because of American pride or to help economy and then have to call for help every time I'm broke down and not be able to get to work. Or rent cars while it's in the shop. But then I would be helping the economy even more with the car rental and shop fees right? No thanks.
[Broken External Image]: troll malorn same thing
GM thanks you that no where did you mention the Aveo. And as another poster said I choose to keep more of my money here in the States rather than the masses of Loyal Suburban/Hummer owners who actively support the Ayatollahs of Iran and the Princes of Saudi Arabia. If you will remember it was these friends of ours who brought up their young patriots to give us a message. If you choose to support these types then I suggest that you buy additional containers of fuel each time you go to the MidEast Charitable Foundation Filling station. As a matter of fact if your contribution is not enough and yo feel it gets to the MidEast too slowly because it has to go through too many middlemen.. just send a large contribution to the Consulates of Iran and Saudi Arabia. They may even name a training facility for you.
Hey, I've got that photo...Epcot, right! I don't lock these threads unless they become completely with the idea of fairness to alternate opinions. At the same time if our own members would quit responding to these duffuses with so little meaning to their lives that they seek out things that have no relevance to what little existance they do have just to stir up trouble for some sick thrill. Don't feed that thrill, they get bored and go away...or they escalate their effort to some degree that warrants being banned and the problem goes away either way.