Really, really mean! My Prius was parked for 8 hours in a hotel parking lot under a tree. [attachmentid=719]
WoW, I’d hate to see what they do to your Prii if you take it outside the garage to wash it. :lol: Those ARE mean birds!
whoa! watch out for trees... we have a small gaggle of geese that hang around the pond near our house, they look intimidating.
OUCH!! If you even had a car cover, you wouldn't think of using it there. I hope the poop came off well.
Wow, my car is known to attract bird droppings. But not to that extreme! Hurry and head to a car wash!
Better set up some wind turbines near where you park it. Generate some energy AND keep your car clean.
UN*******BELIEVABLE Does the Guinness Book of World Records have a category for this? Maybe the hotel would like to use that pic on the cover of its next brochure? Welcome to the Embassy Suites! Toss your car keys to a valet, and toss off the cares of the day!
If you want to talk mean birds, I refer you to Alfred Hitchcocck's movie "the Birds" All in all I prefer what "your" birds are doing.
Bird droppings are highly acidic. You don't want to let them sit on your car for long - even if it has several coats of wax or sealant protecting it. If you let it sit on bare paint you're probably looking at a medium cut polishing compound at least to remove the damage.
They seem like very active birds. Were you at all tipped off when you got to the parking space and the pavement was 5 inches deep from previous days activity?
I'll bet those particular birds drive Hummers and wanted to express what they think of eco-weenies who drive Prii.