This article discusses some new iPhone apps and hardware that could be interesting alternatives to the scangauge. Android versions will follow. CES: Mavizon, Griffin roll out car performance apps | Accessories | iOS Central | Macworld
I 'kinda' know what you mean but I've been happy with my SG II mount on the steering column with double sided 3m tape and can't see any wiring or anything. I was looking at other after market mounts but am now pleased with and will stay with my current DIY mount. Would be nice to have iPhone or other apps ..but then you have to mount the phone visibly?? Love having disabled all of the beeps with the SG is a nice little box and bang for the buck. It will be interesting to see ALL of the I-whatever apps etc that evolve with additional hybrid and EV vehicles.
I too already have a SGII mounted on the steering column, and I am happy with it. If Griffin's free iPhone app would work with the existing ELM327 Bluetooth OBD-II connector, you could have a SGII alternative for $50:
I thought the issue with iPhone was Apple not allowing Bluetooth connection to such apps, forcing the use of pricier wifi interfaces?
No, you can buy OBD II to Bluetooth adaptors that will work with an iPhone. The biggest problem is that the iPhone apps available don't support Prius-specific OBD-II codes or functionalities, and based on my investigations, the app's publishers aren't willing to modify their products for Prius applications. I would like to see Torque ported to the iPhone.
It's sorda true. In general apple only allows two things by default over bluetooth. Keyboards and headsets...any other piece that wants to talk over bluetooth have to license with Apple through the MFi program. Basically it can keep out small companies or pushes the small folks to android first. I have two hardware providers avoiding apple right now because they only sell small numbers of hardware each year and embedding an apple chip in their devices is just to pricey for them right now.