I just caught wind of this: Griffin Technology: CarTrip - OBD-II Hardware Interface Griffin Technologies is not only releasing a bluetooth OBDII plug but also an iPhone app. There is no mention in the press release about the slot in the front of the plug but I wonder if it's for a memory card to allow long-term storage and, gasp, transfer to a computer. Press Release: Griffin Technology: Press Release Griffin Technology: CarTrip - OBD-II Hardware Interface
Tony: Looks pretty cool. However, is this more of a ScanGauge Lite? i.e. for those that just wanna know mpg and other stats that can be stored? It seems that this product supplements the ScanGauge.
I couldn't find anything on iPhone that can read CAN BUS so I got an Android phone (still has iPhone 4) and using Kiwi bluetooth and Torque app with custom PID to display hybrid information. See the link in my signature.
I have kiwi and rev on iPhone: DevToaster - Rev - iPhone app development, Great iPhone apps, and more I've seen other iPhone can bus apps.
I checked it before but did not see anything obvoius. What kind of information can it display from the CAN BUS? Can you add your own if you know the ECU address and equation?
standard stuff. no specialized hybrid stuff, like state of charge. no programability like scanguage. you just get to choose what 4 or 5 things to display at a time. I haven't seen anything like scanguage for iPhone. does your android app do more?
Here is the link. We have got over 120 custom PIDs from the CAN BUS. It can display a lot more data than scangauge. For example, HV battery module voltage and internal resistance. I even got ICE, MG1, MG2 and HV battery horsepower to display.
for those of you with iphones... what obdII plug/transmitter do you guys use? and what can you see? usbseawolf2000.... that's cool. ggood... which is better, rev or kiwi.... or was kiwi the adaptor?
BTW, I have an iPhone 4 using as my phone. I bought an Android phone and Kiwi (bluetooth version) adapter to run Torque.
kiwi is the wireless can bus adaptor, made by plx: PLX Kiwi - Kiwi Wifi, Kiwi Bluetooth, Kiwi MPG, Kiwi Drive Green OBD 2 Devices The bluetooth model works with android, the wifi model with iPhone. As far as I can tell there no way to enter and display custom can bus codes like is being described above for the torque android app. The plx site list various apps available for android and iPhone, but I would never have known from those descriptions that any of them, including torque, could do what is being described by usbseawolf2000.
For the price difference between Kiwi bluetooth and wifi adapters, you can get a used Android phone and Torque app is cheaper than Rev or other iPhone apps. That's why I went that route. The final result is more functionalities with better display and UI than scanguage for about the same price. It took some work but Vincent, 2009Prius, Frenchie and I did the work already. Most of the PIDs have been verified.
I learned about Torque app from Judgeless after he successfully got some hybrid PIDs to work with Gen3 Prius. Those are available in the app now. Perhaps more Gen3 owners can continue to add custom PIDs since they will likely work with other Toyota hybrids and the upcoming ones (CT200h, Prius v(ee), Prius c, 2012 TCH, HS250h, etc...)