Just bought a 2011 Black Prius IV. Curious if anyone here uses wax to protect the paint job from fading? I've read a couple threads about polishes, not waxes, so figured I should clarify. Thanks!
Most modern cars are clear coated over the color coat. Paint "fade" is typically paint oxidation. With clear coats, this isn't really an issue. Even with clear coats, periodic waxing is a good practice, since it protects the finish, and also enhances the shine.
+1 Keeping a good coat of wax on your car is always a good idea, and just about any wax that you buy these days will be appropriate for clear coat paint. You'll probably get about 30 or so recomendations for THE BEST (or only) wax that you should use for your car. Don't feel that you have to spend $20 (or more) on some 'premium designer' wax out there. Just about any wax that you choose will keep your baby looking good and somewhat protected against the evils in the world out there. GOOD LUCK!
The best way to protect the paint (and interior) is to keep it in the garage away from the sun. Keith
I only wax my car to enhance the shine and make it easier to clean off road grime. Since I garage the Prius and don't drive a lot of miles, I don't have to worry about fading. As far as the type of wax, I used cheap, cheap Turtle Wax spray on and sometimes even Pledge; yikes, but it shines nice! Happy Motoring, Tom
Get 3M paint film and call it a day. There will be no need to wax your car ever. Salt and road debris won't imbed themselves in your paint either. Might cost you in the high $2000 range to have a professional cover your car completely though.
For the most part, the poor folk that have to work for a living don't have that option for at least 8 hours of each of 5 days a week. There is also a high correlation between when those 8 hours occur and when that big bright light is in the sky.
I currently own, and have owned Black vehicles. I find I wax them not so much with an eye towards preventing any potential fading...but just that I find a good quality wax or protective polish really aides in the ease of keeping the vehicle clean. Since black visibly shows dust, dirt quicker than many other colors, waxing makes keeping it clean that much easier.
I wax my cars twice a year, a nice fall and spring day. Though I use Nufinish any good wax is fine as noted above. But I've found after many years that the key to keeping the shine for weeks and months is.....to not use soapy water to wash your car unless it positively absolutely for sure needs it. Even pressure washing with soap knocks the wax off fast. Car soap is better if you have to use it. Also you need to wash the car at least every two weeks, dirty or not. (unless you live in a So Calif type climate) An extension brush for the hose, with -soft- bristles on the end, and water constantly flowing to prevent any scratching(and wet the car down first) will get the car 99% clean every time. And the wax will shine back at you happy as a clam. I washed my last car I had for four years, dark green, only twice with soap, the rest of the times just plain hose water, and it had a showroom shine with no scratches, whorls, etc. when I traded it in. And that was Hyundai paint!
Most of what makes paint look new is the lack of micro-scratches in the clearcoat. The hard part of finding the right wax is to find one that's not a polish also. Most cheap "waxes" at the auto store also contain a light polish. Is your paint is really shot, then a little polish in the wax will help make it look better, since you're polishing it and waxing it at the same time. For a new coat of paint, you don't need (or want) any polish. I'm a bit lazy, so I use Optimum Optiseal. It comes as a liquid in a squirt bottle. You spray a tiny bit on a cloth (I use a microfiber pad) and wipe it on. There's no removal step. It leaves a slick coating behind. It's so easy, I do it more often. For high quality wax (only) I like the Swissvax products. They have a big range covering all prices. Spend whatever your budget allows. DetailersDomain is a decent place to order this kind of stuff.
I use 5 Star Shine. When applied to a new vehicle it is good for a couple years, I have applied it to my 3 vehicles. The oldest is a 06 Mercury Mariner the paint still looks good. I will reapply another 5 Star Shine to it this spring.
my daughters 04 has never been waxed and looks brand new. and my 08 as well. toyota paint is some of the best!