While enjoying the new movie "Little Fockers" last night.. hollywood just could not help themselves... You guess it.. the "male nurse".. GAYlord Focker drives.. oh yeah... A PRIUS!!!! My friends let me have it about that.. Man this sterotype / negativity is getting old....
Oohhh...that little focker, and a Prius no less. What better testimony to Prius, nursing and the Focker. I'm hoping to see that movie tonight! Happy Motoring, Tom
What wrong with being a nurse my nephew is one Popular Industries Hourly Rate HealthcareC$28.16 - C$35.72 HospitalC$28.30 - C$35.90 Acute Care HospitalC$29.00 - C$36.66 Long-term Care / RehabilitationC$28.01 - C$35.02 Nursing HomeC$27.15 - C$34.21 wage is pretty good in Ontario
What is really bad is the cozy prius !!!!!!! This is just wrong Video: Toyota Prius Cozy is a total stitch — Autoblog Green
I see nothing wrong with driving a "gay" car. If you call me stupid I'll be offended. If you call me a turd or a pig or a CIA agent I'll be offended. But if you call me gay I won't be offended at all. Though, honestly, I've never heard that the Prius was a gay car. The Prius is a car for people who like to burn less gasoline while still having a reasonable amount of power and a lot of interior space but don't need to tow a trailer. If that describes gay men, then gay men are intelligent and practical.
Actually, I don't care if my car is gay. Or straight. As long as it is reliable and gets good MPG, saves the environment, and makes a statement about caring. Kind of like the kids. I don't care if they are gay or straight, as long as they are good people. Who my car loves is its own business!
I rented "The Other Guys" on Apple TV yesterday. They drive around in one and it gets all shot up by bad guys. Kind of funny. They joke about the car.
My car doesn't love anybody. It's just a car. But if everybody who drove a Prius was gay except me, I'd feel in very good company. If everybody who drove a Prius was gay and I was gay too, I'd feel in even better company. We need more gay men in the world, to improve my odds with the straight women.
WHAAAAAAAt. It's ads like this that are totally the reason the Prius is mocked incessantly. Am I wrong? Absolutely not. I find the jokes funny but as long as we have yuppies putting SWEATERS on the car with happy little prancing music expect the stereotype to continue.
I'm with you, Daniel. If more gays drove Priuses, it would definitely add an element of coolness and style to the car.
I would definitely NOT call the Prius a "gay" car. Of the people I personally know that own a Prius, if you called one of them "gay", you would probably be missing quite a few teeth. That being said, the one person that I personally know that is "gay" drives a 4-wheel drive Ford that's jacked up off the ground about three feet.
It is quite ironic. If the whole world possessed the attributes of gays then we probably wouldn't have half the world's problems we do now.
Yep, that is the answer. Admins, lock the thread. Come to Australia go to a feral pub and call ACDC gay and you will end up really hurting.
....CASE RE-OPENED... uh?.....I think you read what I said too fast..... AC/DC= NOT GAY lol ....CASE CLOSED AGAIN...