not sure if there's a thread for these in the Gen III forum so I'm just posting here. at 3K miles, I had an oil change done because I didn't want to leave the factory fill oil in the engine for 10K miles. Then I had the second oil change about 7,500 miles later and sent in a sample to Blackstone. Here's the report below for those interested. I don't send in every time, but I have used Blackstone for years and think they do a good job. I paid extra for the TBN because I wanted to see how well the oil was holding up and if it would really be good for the full 10K that Toyota calls for. Comments are welcome.
basically they check for all of those minerals and metals in the oil, and based on the number they can point you to certain problems. I know on my jeep I was getting high metal numbers and so I did some research and switched filters, and after I switched filter brands, I got better numbers that were more in line with the universal average for the 4.0L in-line 6 engine. Here's the blackstone website that explains it a little better. Blackstone Labs and here's the TBN explanation page. this is what I was most interested in and paid extra money for. Do I Need a TBN?
I will stick with Toyota at least once more since it's free on the maintenance plan. After that, I don't know. Right now, I can't find 0w20 in the stores around here. The dealer doesn't charge much more for the Toyota brand per quart than I pay for the Mobil 1 for the Jeep.
I like the high Moly additive levels in the Toyota oil. Mo has both anti-wear and friction-reducing properties, unlike the traditional anti-wear additives (Zn/P-based) that are not as good for friction.
For comparison, here is one I had done with 28 K on the car, 8500 on the oil. I use Mobil 1 0W20, moly content was 110. Not much difference except for the moly content. I don't pretend to be an oil expert so I don't know what advantage that provides. Mobil 1 appears to be slightly more viscous but that difference may be due to testing tolerances. For information, I checked the oil analysis from my diesel pickup and the moly content was 89. I use Chevron Delo 15W40 it it.
Here is the second blackstone report for oil. I went the full 10K mile interval on the toyota 0w20 oil+filter.
Thank you for the report really cool to see the breakdown. I have owned many new vehicles in my life 4, 6, and eight cylinders american and foreign. Always used full synthetic oil at first change. The hondas i owned with the oil sensors called for oil change at about 7 thousand to 7 thousand 500 miles. Just my opinion but 10 thousand miles on my 2011 prius might be a little longer than i am use to but i trust toyota put a ton of research into the 10 thousand mile interval.
Here's mine after 20K miles with all intervening changes included. I used Mobil 1 0W-20 for all changes, and a TRD oil filter for the 10K - 20K interval. Comparing the two reports, I'm not that impressed by Toyota 0W-20 oil - the extra moly doesn't seem to be that helpful.
I don't believe any Honda has an oil sensor. My understanding of Honda's Maintenance Minder: it's more than a simple mileage counter, taking into account additional factors, likely mean coolant temperature (say lots of short trips, vs extended runs), maybe number of start-ups, and others. In short: it varies the maintenance interval, depending on the sort of driving you do. But it has no way to directly monitor oil condition. The MM on our '06 Civic Hybrid would get down to 15% remaining (when the warning started) typically around 8500~9000 kilometers.
Sounds like gm's. the computer on their cars/trucks would count engine rpm, then use engine temp, and other things to come up whith the oil change time. It could range from 3,000 to 10,000. There is no sensor that can check the oil.
Oil better which one bla bla all i know is a family friend been a motor man for over 35 years worked for a trucking company that sent out oil for analysis. They switched to mobil 1 and after a few oil samples were sent back they quit sending them out and stayed with mobil 1 and had no motor problems due to lubrication failure. This guy on his personal car removes the oil filter every 3 thousand miles and replaces a quart of oil. He has over 170 thousand miles on the Ford. So i trust his opinion on mobil 1 backed by years of motor teardowns espicially off the job on passenger cars but i would not follow his maintance schedule. He also says the insides are really clean with synthetic use and toyota motors have had some problems with sludge.