Yes, I didn't consider it that way, and I will conceed up to a point, but if saving money was the issue you could get a cheaper car that had a good mpg and have even more money for that environmental upgrade. Heck, someone suggested taking money and investing it so your dividend would pay for your gas. I guess it breaks down (for me at least) to: Do you want to help the environment now or wait and save a few bucks? We like to complain about the Prius. This is what I complain about. I got mine because: 1) My old car was nearly 15 years old and failed smog. 2) Wanted a 4-door (my old car was a 1990 Ford Probe) 3) Decided to get a greener vehicle. 4) Saw one at an energy fair in 2004 and was intrigued. 5) The geek factor. I was expecting (and had my finances set for) a 2006, but when the opportunity came in April, I went for it.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I haven't seen any mention to a major factor: Maintenance costs. I had a vehicle that was getting 25 mpg but the maintenance cost was 255.00 a month (ave from annual exp.). After researching many vehicles, the Toyota Prius was a top contender in overall reliability and lower routine maintenance costs. Also, there is the warranty + ext. warranty to help out.
I don't think that's the greatest of comparison's - Obviously your car was old and needed repair? Any new car would certainly lower your monthly maintenance. My reasons for choosing the Prius were quite simple. 1. I needed a new car 2. I drive 30,000 miles a year, so fuel efficiency was important (my jeep got 16mpg) 3. The Prius met most of my needs (all except towing) 4. The Prius was the closest thing to my jeep that got over 40mpg (due to the hatchback) Now that I have it, I've learned a lot more about the impacts of fuel usage..etc and moving forward would certainly look first at Hybrids.
My reasons for buying were saving money, reducing foreign oul use, and probably the number 1 reason was it is a really COOL car, that is currently getting 54 MPG, which is also COOL. :lol: B)
Ditto Phyte, I have 58k on my 04 (July 04 in service). I now get two or three times the mileage of my other vehicles and my total mothly expenses are lower.
I knew the Prius was the right decision when the kid at the car wash laid his ear down on my hood to see if he could hear the engine running. His English was no better than my Spanish so we didn't talk about it but we smiled and he gave me a thumbs up.