With the 2010 Prius being the #1 car for fuel efficiency according to fueleconomy.gov , hopefully it will become much more popular. I was surprised to see that it was dramatically more fuel efficient than even those little Smart cars. Most of the Taxis in Vancouver BC are Prii.
We brought our new Prius home yesterday and have been noticing Prius' in the Spring Hill, FL area since we decided to buy one. Most appear to be Gen III. Perhaps we notice them more than the earlier models due to the more distinctive tail lights. I'd estimate Prius' make up one or two percent of the vehicles we see. Of course between the rednecks in their big pickup trucks and the blue hairs and their mega mobiles, we are probably not firmly planted in Prius country.
Here in Houston we are seeing Priuses everywhere. Maybe my wife and I are just more aware of them now that we have one, but over the past year it seems that we went from the occasional Prius sighting to seeing them literally everywhere.
I spot them by the radio antenna on the roof, visible from much farther away than the emblems, but still not nearly as far away as the genII/III shape.
I see Prius on the road all the time here in Cleveland. My neighbor three houses down has the same color as mine but his is a IV. Want a challenge, try to find a Honda Insight on the road. I see more of the old ones than the new ones. Remember it will be the "Prius Killer".
I see dozens a day, or more, depending on how much I'm driving around. I live and work in the area of an Ivy League college so it is a hugely popular car here, and has been since it came out. I see mostly Gen2's but the Gen3's are becoming more common and I still see the occassional Gen1. My first Prius ride was actually in a Gen1 just a couple of months ago with a friend from church.
Don't see a lot in Vegas, but do pass a few on my daily 18 mile commute to downtown. Pickups still seem to be a favorite. Vegas outside the strip still hangs on to its western rodeo heritage, even though we now have luxury high rise condos and swanky nightclubs/beach clubs. There are horse ranches all around where I live 20 miles from the strip.
Pat is right. I think they are more a slotted disc than five spoked. Very easy to pick up as long as the car's not moving:
Very, very rare over here. Mostly you see trucks, SUVs, etc... but anytime I see them I point them out...
LOL. I live in Palm Springs, CA, which is a pretty wealthy area, and I see a ton of Gen II Prius's, and I see a fair amount of Gen III Prius's. I think they are selling well, just maybe depends on the area.
...and you are out west. "Inside the Loop" there are even more. (For those not familiar with Houston the "Loop" is the interior loop ringing the city (IH-610), which is then circled by every larger concentric rings of roads, "The Beltway", Hwy 6 / FM 1960, and the newest the Grand Parkway. Will it ever end?):focus: On my commute it is more common to have multiple Prii at a traffic light than not. Heck it's gotten to the point we far out number the Hummers. Oh yea, and there are two in my driveway.
Hm, around here, there are 3 or 4 third generation Prius', and 5 or 6 second generation Prius'. I see them all the time, so I can only assume that there selling pretty well.
In this neighborhood, there are that many un-garaged GenIIIs just on my normal evening exercise walk route.
have been doing "parking lot" surveys Farellis; Sunday night, 14 cars 2 Gen 3's one gen 2. so 3 0f 14. that is a specific count Winco; this is an estimate, but relatively close. 7 Pri's of 90 cars. will continue to report
Here in Nova Scotia, the Antigonish area at least we have a few new GEN III's, but many more of the older GEN II's are seen. You can really tell the difference when you spot one of the newer ones. We don't use them for taxi's here, just for private use. Mine is on order, due to be in my driveway in 114 days.....but who's counting.