I have my Prius with Nav connected to my Phone via Bluetooth. It activates automatically every time i enter the car. But each time i get a call or want to make a call, it goes through the car's audio system. Is there any way to quickly deactivate this for personal calls so that i can talk only via my phone, and not the car's audio system.
Isn't the reason you pair your phone to the audio system so you can talk hands free through the audio system? If you don't want it to work that way, don't pair your phone to the car, and it will work just like a cell phone that's not paired... :doh:
On many phones, (particularly on I phones 3 and 4), there is a screen which permits you to change to the speaker in the phone (like a speakerphone) or the internal speaker which comes out the earhole or stay with the car's bluetooth. But the obvious answer is to simply unpair the phone if you think your girlfriend is going to call while you and your wife are in the car.
Good pick! Get another phone for the girlfriends' calls...:cheer2: It's either paired, or it's not...
Not true. I've found that if I answer the call from pressing the accept button on the PHONE, it sends the call to the phone and not the car. That way when my gf calls and my wife's in the car, I just answer from the phone and eceryones happy...