Is there any room at all under the rear seat for Subs or amps? If so how much and what exactly is under the seat? Thanks...
Thanks. Since you have to remove the rear seat to gain access to the battery, I thought the battery was partially under the rear seat.
I use my Prius for deliveries and have taken the rear seat and passenger front seat out. Pretty easy removal....just a few bolts. Not much extra room under rear seat; probably enough for your amp but definitely not subs. Stock amp is under the front seat under a plastic cover.
You don't have to remove the seat to get to the battery in gen3, just pull up the cover above it in the boot.
HV battery is behind the rear seat back, under the hatch area floor. Found lots of references to removing the rear seat bottom on the 'Net, but can't find a pix with the rear seat bottom removed anywhere.