'02 Prius, 27,000 miles, no maintenance required aside from oil&filter changes, and the obligatory tire replacements (3).
I also have to include that this is the only new car that I have bought that needed nothing after the car was in my possesion for a month. All the others had some glitch somewhere that needed repair. Not the Prius! I get 46-48 MPG and have had to do nothing other then scheduled maintenance. I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER!! -Paul R. Haller-
Question to those who say they haven't been back to their dealer -- Where have you taken your Prius for regular oil changes/tire rotation? When I bought my '05, the dealer warned me against going anywhere but to an "authorized Toyota dealer" for even routine oil changes. Granted, this isn't the first car I've ever bought, so I'm not that gullible. Also, the dealer gave me 5 free oil changes so when I do need one I'll be going there... at least 5 times. Thanks,
I wouldn't dream of letting a dealer change my car's oil. I had a free oil change with one of my past diesels, when it was new. The dealer gave it to a kid for the simple oil change. He too off the oil filter by screwing it the wrong way and stripped the threads on the stud in the engine block. I was without a car for about a couple of weeks while they waited for a new part from Europe by boat I guess. After that I do all my own oil changes. And this dealer was a luxury car place that sold Rolls Royce among its car models.
Dec. '04. Currently have ~7200 miles. Two oil changes and a tire rotation. No other maintenance or service issues. DanMan commented about a noisy hot coolant storage pump, I am experiencing this also. I will probably have the dealer do something about it when I take the car in for SSC 50p. But I'm not running out to get that done either. All in all, this is a really solid car. Lots of systems have been simplified (transmission is basicaly the PSD and final drive, much less to go wrong there, oil bath and drip pump lubrication, not pressurized; power steering is electrified not hydraulic and a/c is also electric, not belt driven) which should lead to greater reliability over the long haul.
Man, you guys must live in the city nowhere from work. I live in the country and have to drive at least 30 miles to go anywhere. I'm positive when I get my Prius, 50,000 miles in a year is highly possible.
Exactly one year old 2005 Red BC. 21,000 miles, tires rotated, oil and filters changed every 5000. No problems, never been to dealer. M.Pruis in Michigan.
Just over 20k miles mainly oil changes and tire rotations. I had the Nav system DVD replaced! That's it.
My 2005 (got it in 11/04) just passed 42,000 miles. Just oil and filter changes every 5000 miles. Took it to the dealer once to handle multiple minor recall issues. No problems except that my center console compartment cloth cover is coming loose by the latch, the dashboard cigarette lighter plastic cover broke off the first time i opened it and the upper glovebox auto raising mechanism doesn't work anymore. Minor junk, great car. Anybody replaced the tires yet? I will need new ones within 5000 miles or so.
04, 46,500ml. Oil change and filter every 5000ml. About to replace tires with GY comfortTred. Center console fabric coming out. Need to take in for warranty service. My dealer is keep asking me to bring my car in for the 50,000 ml service. Yea, right. Has anyone had to change breakpads?
I'm at 45800 right now myself, and do about 80 miles per day. Wear items and repairs of notability: * Brake pads when I did my last rotation still had quite a bit of life on them - I'm an early light braker though * I do my own oil changes now at 5k miles w/ Synth - could go longer if the filter was larger - some have suggested just a filter change to let the oil stick around longer, I may try that next time around if the oil doesn't appear too dark or think. * The "maintenance screen" is suggesting an air filter chance (it's based on mileage I put in). I checked the filter, and light still shines through - that and not a whole lot came loose when I tapped out the larger "particles". It'll last a bit longer methinks * On my second set of wiper blades all the way around, the rear was actually tearing loose. This desert heat is rough on rubber parts. * Speaking of heat, my dash is somewhat warping @ the glove box at the passenger side. I never got a chance at the end of my warranty period to do anything about it though - so now it "is what is". * I'm on my second set of Integrity's - rotated them about 800 miles ago, and the tread life was probably 40% gone off the front - it'd been about 8-9k miles or more since they were installed. I run 42/40 when possible, but am admittedly rough on tires with quick starts out of unprotected intersections. * Center console cover had been replaced for the fabric issue already. * Had my right tail-lamp replaced last year due to deformation, and while the left wasn't far enough along last time, it is now. Since it was reported under the warranty period, it'll be covered. I'll probably have that done at the same time as the "recall" if/when that comes my way. I still love the car and sing it's praises to everyone I meet who will ask about it.