I was supposed to go get my prius today. It was supposed to arrive at the dealer yesterday, so when I drove the 6 hours today it would be there waiting for me. I am still at home. The car has yet to arrive at the dealer. Right now I am trying to figure out if I should cancel my hotel reservation for tonight, or wait a bit longer and potentially drive during the night and pick the car up tomorrow. Problem with that is no one knows where the truck with my car is! The truck left NYC saturday and was originally due in WV on monday, then it was pushed back to tuesday, and then again to wednesday. It is now thursday evening and no one, including my dealership or the trucking company that owns the truck, has heard from it since it left port. I am concerned that the whole truck fell into a ravine or something! I have pets at home that I cant leave for more than a few hours, so I cant go tonight and stay till saturday if the car doesnt arrive. Has anyone seen a toyota truck with a tideland prius on it by any chance?
Damn -- I can imagine how frustrating this is for you. Have you checked with the dealer to make sure that, if you can't be there when the car arrives (perhaps for several days), they will definitely hold it for you until you arrive? That way, you'd have longer to wait, but you wouldn't be sitting around WV wondering where the thing is. I hope (and think it likely) that all this will work out within a week -- but I know it's no solace when you're right in the middle of the situation. Best of luck!
I canceled my reservation for tonight and pushed it back to tomorrow night. I cant risk having to leave my pets at home with no food. The dealership is now saying the car should be in overnight. I dont know if I believe them, but I have to remain hopeful. And yes to answer your question, I have already done the financing and all that. All I have to do is sign my name and the car is mine. ALthough, I doubt screwing me over would ever occur to my dealer.
Don't worry too much. My Prius was supposed to be available on 4/12 (Monday) but didn't get to the dealer until 4/16 (Friday). Hang in there; once you get your Prius you'll forget the few extra days you had to wait.
I think I gave my dealer a heartattack when mine came in during the 2nd week in January. The dealer called me on a Monday afternoon to tell me it was in. I think he was pretty shocked when I said that I'd be in on Wednesday to pick it up (he was thinking I'd be leaving work early on Monday I think . By the time Wednesday had rolled around, I was calm, relaxed, and ready to take care of the paperwork, managed to spot a small (legit?) calculating problem on the paperwork that would've lost me an extra $100 or so, and generally had a great experience picking the car up. It's funny though, 2 months after buying the car, it doesn't feel like a "new" car anymore, it just feels like "my car", which is a much more comfortable feeling (the "bullseye on the door" feeling has subsided somewhat). Dave.
Don't get too worried about. My car was supposed to arrive at the dealership (Danville Toyota) on March 17th. I don't think it actually arrived until March 30th. The freight company basically just sat on the car and didn't deliver it until they felt like it. If your dealer has the VIN and is telling you its in ground status (handed over to the freight company), you might as well just sit tight, because they have no leverage on the freight company. If you do have the VIN number, and the freight company takes more than 72 hours to deliver it, you can start calling Toyota Customer Service and have them check into it.
If you trust the dealer not to sell it out from under you, my advice is to sit tight until they tell you it's ready to pick up. That way you know exactly how long you're going to be away from home and can be sure you've made adequate arrangement for your pets. My dealer was smart: he kept telling me it would be longer than it was. That way instead of "Where's my car!?!?!?!?" it was "Wow, it's here already!?!?!?!?"
Mine took longer "on the truck" as well, I think only an extra day and a half, but still, it's the hardest part. And had something happened to the truck, it'd be all over this board the second it happens, so no worries -m.
Just to show you that it works both ways, I got a call on a Thursday morning from my salesman that said the car was on the way, just left the port, and would be there on Monday, I could pick it up on Tuesday. Three hours later I got another call, the car was on the lot. He had no explanation why it was early, but I didn't complain. I waited until Saturday and picked it up with no trouble. Highly recommend Rick Hendricks Toyota in Fayetteville, NC. Fred