I just finished up these graphics on my 2010 Prius. Now I should be able to find it in the parking lot.
I'm retired but do signs and graphics as kind of a hobby. I made these myself. I'm working on a few different designs just for Prius owners....racing stripes and what have you.
No particular reason...I just like spiders on car hoods. I have a small sign shop and like to mess around with designs. I have about 20 different spider designs; scorpions, too.
I have a small sign shop more as a hobby than anything else. Since I have 2 Priuses (sp?) it's fun to try to make them look a little different. Just starting on the second one. There are so many Priuses here in Phoenix that I have to do something to make mine a little different.
So what would it cost to have one done for the full hood with say a slant towards the superhero? How are they applied?
I am curious. Is it random? Or is their some reason outside of a desire for individuality that lead you to a Spider Graphic? NEVER MIND....Slow on the draw...I just saw your answer...Web On...
hey acmesign I like your designs, have you done any designs in keeping with the theme of the car, like something with a green theme? I have been racking my brain trying to come up with some subtle graphics design for the sides to show off the hybrid. maybe something like flying electrons or green leaves growing on the side. obviously i have no imagination in something like this but thought it might be neat to have something subtle on the sides. anyone else have some ideas.