Hi Maggie Well, I can see: "Maggie Janik Boston (MA) I am a citizen of the world I am a citizen of the world" - would that be you, by any chance? Did you intend to be 2 citizens of the world? I will delete one if you like, personal service is our watchword (no double meanings intended..) I am a little mystified as to why you and Dan can't see your entries... unless it's anything to do with the following FAQ?: "3. The map doesn't show up! If you're on a Mac, Safari and IE on Mac probably won't work right now. We are working on it!" We do need to be patient, we are at the forefront of mapping technology, as good Priusers should be...thanks for joining! Jerry
Hi Maggie, and all ...so, I complained to Frapper and if nothing else, they replied quickly; and this is what they said: "There is a bug with IE foreign characters right now. This will be fixed shortly. The member's name Din�?rs Riga, Riga (Latvia) is causing problems on your particular frapper. You can remove this member and his shoutouts to fix this problem, or wait for us to fix the bug." ...well, that is a shame because Dinxxrs from Riga is actually the only latvian on the map right now... still, I have deleted him and if he is reading this, sorry - please do reapply, using only standard roman letters please... Could someone have another look and see if everything is OK now? Another confusing feature is that I saw the map just fine throughout... Jerry
Sorry Jerry, same thing. new screenshot/error messages attached. Oh, and in case you're worried it's my error, I'm a desktop engineer - so I'm pretty familiar with IE6.0...
do not know what more to say, really. Whenever I look, it's fine. Danman is there...Maggie is there..you are there.. Bedtime ;-)
FRAPPER UPDATE Hi all Well, after one week of existence, the Prius Owners' Frapper Map is up to 435 members at the time of writing, which I find encouraging, if not quite dramatic as yet.. The Frapper developers have been working hard and have instituted a number of changes during the week: - the map has been shifted to a new url: http://www.frappr.com/priusowners this does seem to have speeded up access and loading somewhat, I recommend that anyone who had a problem should try again, at an offpeak time if necessary. Everybody who mentioned a problem in this thread above, is actually on the map; I checked this morning... - the ability to browse through all the photos (over 100 now) has been added to the site. - the ability to search the site database for other maps (but still not to browse) has been added to the site We have our first members from Asia; welcome Ken@japan, where are all of your compatriots? Tell them to join us... we have one also in Tikrit, Iraq. Also one in Irkutsk, in Russia near the Mongolian border... useful to know about if you are ever passing that way! Pyotr! I have tried to eliminate all duplicate entries. I always remove the earlier one so you can add to ro update your entry at any time; I will delete duplicates as I find them, or on request to my email address on the site. At the request of Frapper, I had to delete one unsuspecting member from Riga, Latvia because he used some nonstandard symbols that caused the site a glitch. I am pleased to see that he has rejoined, sorry about that Dinars! I have had to delete one photograph (of Pres. Bush with naughty caption) because the site must remain resolutely nonpolitical. You know who you are, why not try again with something less controversial? I really would like the map to build up into the thousands. Not only does it now provide an interesting browse through all the photos, and personal statements, but if we get enough, you can do things like see who is a neighbour, and see how many within x miles to organise local meetups etc.. Quite a lot of interesting urls and sites contained in the owners "shoutout" comments.. Danny, to save cluttering up the various yahoo groups, I will post a little message directing them to here, if you have no objection.. Regards Jerry http://www.frappr.com/priusowners
I have had another idea, which I hope I shan't regret mentioning here... There is actually no limit to the number of different maps that can be created. So if the inhabitants of - say - Orange County wanted their own map, they could have one. However, I somewhat advise against that, because actually you can easily look at Orange County, or any other small location, starting from the global map. In addition, the map is not very accurate at zipcode level. The advantage of joining the global map is that the inclusive approach makes it easier for all those unpredictable, unexpected and serendipitous benefits to happen...like finding a friend in Iraq I think the open, community oriented approach of the map is one of its best features. But a map could perhaps be used for a one-off purpose, such as organising a meetup... put your details into the map so everyone knows who's coming, and where from etc... regards Jerry http://www.frappr.com/priusowners
Dude! don't be Paranoid! Anyone that knows your 'real name' can look up your mortage online. That's all public access anyway.
Wasn't trying to be rude BTW. Oh, for those of you out there who haven't figured it out already on frappr, my zip is 43123 and my license plate # is NOGUZLR Happy fishin!
Trying or not, calling someone "Paranoid" (with a capital "P" yet) is quite rude. <_< You are exactly right that, if someone has your name, they can get all sorts of information about you. I am completely aware of this and it goes to the core of my point which is that it is dangerous to post personally idendifiable information about yourself in a public forum.
If you type in almost anyone's name in Google, it even gives you a map to their home!! Talk about security - are we paranoid yet?? Added myself to the the map tonight!! ____________________________ 2005 Seaside Pearl #6
Type the name, city and state of the person you are searching for. The address and phone number (if listed) will display along with a Google Maps link. Click on the link and then select the Directions link on the map.
FRAPPER UPDATE I thought it was time for another update now that the Prius Frapper Map has passed the 1,000 member milestone - 1,006 at the time of posting. The developers have continued to work on the site, especially in trying to make it work faster by reducing the number of pins etc. that open by default. It still needs a little patience, however. There are a number of other new features, such as different coloured pins, improved searching arrangements and lists of the biggest groups, etc. The most important change however is that you can now create a "personal profile." Among the benefits of this are that you can now update your details whenever you want, and you can place your pin wherever you want as well - where your house is, or in the next street, or whatever. This is especially useful if you live in a big city as it prevents your pin from being "lost" behind other members. If you decide to create a personal profile, you still cannot delete your previous entry, so send me an email or an admin message, and I'll do it... We need about 1600 members to get onto the "biggest groups" list, so do join if you haven't already! Regards to all Jerry
I signed up at Frapper but I couldn't close out their website and had to do a "control/alt/delete" to terminate the application. Anyone else had this problem? I think the idea is good, but the architecture of their website leaves something to be desired. Maybe it's my office machine, so I'll know when I try this at home. When I tried to upload a photograph, after using the Browse function to locate my photo files, the website suddenly informed me that photo upload was complete before I could open the selected image, and apparently, uploaded the first file in the list. I never got to fill out the "shout" box. . Bob
Member Map Efusco, Does PriusChat still have a Member Map? I checked the above link, but only found the newsletter.