Well OZ, it has been a couple months now.. please tell me the good and bad of your decision.. as a fellow (pre) truck owner.. any regrets???
I am back in my truck for work But I did have the Prius load with stuff, 2 ladders, a kitchen cart, a couple of large Rubber Maid box, a couple of cases, and tools It all would fit but I took a while to load it, and once the bad weather hit it was pain to load So it back to the truck, and hope the Sienna with have a hybrid panel van out in two years
When you need a truck not much else will do. I love trucks and could really use one for work but I'll wait before buying another one. I've owned 5 and sometimes I miss them.
Congrats and welcome to PriusChat. Wow, what a leap into technology, economy and driving pleasure! There's lots to learn from your owner's manual, driving your car and engaging the forum here. Happy Motoring, Tom
Congrats on the move, and the 2010 model! I traded in my 2001 Toyota 4Runner because it was getting 16/mpg and paying 400 a month in gas. I fill up about once every 2 weeks, compared to twice a week.
Congrats on the new Prius. Depending on where you live you should be able to rent a pickup for those times when you really need one. Until then ... enjoy the many benefits of your Prius.
Would love to know if you have any regrets about the Prius after having a truck.. I am concerned about how much I may miss my truck if I pull the trigger on the Prius in a few years..
Update- Oz replied to a PM I sent him... he is VERY PLEASED with his Prius, and is actually surprised that he doesn't miss his 4WD... and the research continues....
Kept the Prius, gave it to the wife to be used as a commuter and main family travel vehicle, and got a cheap, used F150 for work and play; remodeling house, hauling dirt bikes, and hope to get a small sailboat (21-22ft swing keel).
Just buy on old truck, park it until needed. I have saved SO MUCH in fuel cost doing this. I sold my F250 Diesel (as my only vehicle), and bought a 05 prius + an old high mileage 3/4 4x4 that sits most of the time. 'cause if you need a truck, there is no substitute.
I traded my Ram 1500 for the prius. It wasn't used for work. I only used it to haul stuff a couple times a month. Hated driving it for five years. Hard to park and gas cost was out of control. Its been 2 months and I haven't looked back.
I've saved over $20k in fuel after dumping my GMC Sierra 4x4. You'll be smiling even more as you rack up miles on your Prius.
Thanks for the info.... I'm really looking at keeping the truck.. and then driving the Prius most of the time..