Hello! Just here to get your collective insight. I'm the owner of an '09 Toyota Camry Hybrid and an '02 VW Jetta TDI. The TDI, while I love her, has been a bear to maintain at 203K very expensive miles. The time has come to part ways. It's also time to downsize back to one car, and my TCH will need to go, too, if I'm going to go for a new Prius and get the equity I need to make a near-zero car payment. I love the TCH. Am I going to regret this move? I read stories about people taking the plunge and not looking back. Any former TCH owners here? I come from the world of fleet, and all the Toyotas in our fleet have been incredible from a reliability standpoint. I have also seen accidents involving Camrys, and the car is a tank on wheels. Is the '10 Prius safety rating a sore point with anyone? Thanks ... just trying to figure this out in my brain, altho I know how I am leaning.
i love my wife's tch, but i wouldn't trade my mileage for it! rent one for a week and see if you can handle smaller, lighter, rougher and less fuel use.
Rent one........ that is what I did and you have the time to check everything out. You selection on the new Prius may have more options etc, perhaps. Under fifty bucks and you make the decision. I had a TDI and it was lots of fun. I do not miss it though. . . The Prius has lots of room and much better mpg than the TDI. I find the Prius has 15+ over the mpg of the TDI
Rent one ... Yes yes yes I think you will find that the 2010 Prius has more usable internal room than the Camry. I just rented a Camry for three days while my Prius was in shop to have rear bumper cover replaced due to minor rear-end collision. Family members and friends thought it was less roomy than the Prius. If you decide that the Prius is for you, seriously consider getting the model V/5/five with the Advanced Technology Package. I love mine.
Another thing to consider is that the Prius emits 3-4 times less smog-forming and poisonous-to-humans emissions than most diesels, including ones that get great MPG.