Hi all, My Japanese import 1998 Mk 1 Prius that I've had for a few months now has started playing up in the past couple of weeks. First it was the [car !] symbol and no other noticeable effects. The battery has had a possibly unusual short cycle duration since I've had it. Ranging between being 80% full and dropping down to 20% in a few seconds (not being driven erratically) before it recharged up to the 60-80% range again. White smoke comes from exhaust when first started in the morning, smells like it's burning rich - but it's fine when started at the end of the working day. Today on my way to and from work the power hasn't felt reliable at all. Feels okay to drive when crusing along, but when driving slowly and starting from stop there can be a definite delay and/or lack of power - like the battery isn't engaging to power the wheels when it should be - I only end up accelerating when the engine kicks in. Doesn't have the same amount of power going up hills as it did before the error light came on. I'll be regen braking and the battery will go from 20% to 100% back to 20% before I come to a stop. Took a video of the display while cruising along at about 70km/hr (44 mph) on a relatively flat road and at t-shirt weather. youtube.com/watch?v=V9X_zrxd_Xw I'm going to try cleaning the MAF, I'll update about how that goes. I'd like to hear your thoughts! Thanks in advance.
Video looks to show a typical response from a bad HV battery at least in the sense of a Gen1. Doesn't the model shown here use, individual NiMh cells though, making up the HV pack? Wonder if he could custom build a pack from Gen2 cells, and build a specialized container for the pack, to include his original pack's electronics? This would be an interesting challenge.
Sounds like your car has at least two problems: 1. You need a new traction battery, it won't be cheap to replace all of those D-cells. 2. The white smoke implies that you have a bad head gasket: engine coolant leaking into a combustion chamber.
Wow, I didn't know the older ones had a blue looking MFD. I think I like that color scheme better than the 2001-2003 model.
Thank you all for your replies. Damn, seems I've bought a lemon. Had a bad feeling from the guy I bought it from - I really should trust my gut more often. It wouldn't surprise me if he'd tampered with it to get an extra few months out of it for a sale before it gave up the ghost, if that's possible. Off to a service for it hwell: I'll update with details.