Long time lurker here with first post. Probably a silly question but noticed something weird on my MFD tonight. I spend a lot of time while driving looking at my MFD (probably too much) and saw something happen that I'd never seen before. First a little background - I've owned Toyota vehicles for the past 15 years, however this is my first Prius. I've owned it about 9 months. Its a 2008 with 36,000 miles, Level 2, I think. Here's what happened. I was driving home tonight and happened to be looking at the outside temp reading, which shows in the upper right corner of the MFD, and all of a sudden the display changed and a window or bar or something I'm having trouble describing scrolled down and showed the outside temp in a different way. Something like "Outside Temp = 37". It stayed there for a second or two and scrolled back up and things were the same as they've always been. I watched the display all the way home for about 30 minutes but it never did it again. Anyone ever experience that or able to explain it? Sorry if its common knowledge but I'm still learning about this car and curiosity is about to drive me crazy.
The purpose of that message is to warn you that outside air temp is dropping near freezing level, so watch out for icy conditions. 2004 and 2005 model year Prius had an amber warning light that looked like a dreamcatcher, and served the purpose of warning you to look out for icy roads. Many owners had to deal with this light remaining on all winter. Apparently Toyota decided that the light was useless, and instead implemented the brief MFD warning message on later 2G models.
Patrick is absolutely correct, although I've never personally seen the light on the 04 and 05. Mine, being an 06, gives the brief warning message. FWIW, on Nissans, when it gets to 37 F, the trip computer may switch (temporarily?) to the temp display and an indicator that reads "ICY" comes on.
I actually saw that warning for the very first time this morning. What makes it amazing is that I'm in San Diego of all places
Thanks all for the prompt replies. I suspected as much but wasn't sure since it was showing up at 37 degrees. I also suspected that if I took the time to study the owners manual I would probably find the answer. Of course being the typical lazy American male it was much easier and much more pleasurable asking the experts. Thanks again.
Does anyone have a pictures of what the sensor looks like that reads the Outside Air Temp?? cause my MFD is showing two blank lines "--" (I assume my sensor is missing/damaged) So I need to know where is it located..? (**sorry if it's not related**)
I don't have a picture, but it's located in front of the radiator, about the center. The "icy" question comes up every year when we have a cold snap.