Adding AUX input to the package 6?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by Trojan, Oct 26, 2005.

  1. Trojan

    Trojan New Member

    Oct 15, 2005
    I've been trying to decipher all of these posts about various solutions people are using to add an AUX input, but it seems like most of these additions are being made to the stereo systems from the package 1 or 3 (the single CD changer) because installing them entails hooking up a cord to the stereo's head unit where the CD changer normally would be connected. It is also possible to add an AUX input to the package 6 (the fully-loaded version w/ the 6-CD changer) without losing any functionality?
  2. slortz

    slortz New Member

    Jun 6, 2004
    You might want to see if VAIS technology makes something to fit your needs. I'm assuming all you want is a pair of L-R audio inputs added to your system. I have a Prius with the JBL/Nav also and installed the VAIS AIC-100i ipod adapter which additionally has an AUX input. I use the AUX input for my DVD player audio. No functionality is lost...steering wheel controls and all. Hopefully, VAIS makes something with just the AUX input if you don't care for the ipod part because it should cost a lot less that way.
    If fact I just found it, I think. It has 2 AUX inputs. Here:
    Wow. $290... that's up there considering I got the AIC-100i on the PriusChat group buy about $60 cheaper. You should probably price check around.

    This site here has all kinds of good stuff for the Prius:
    Their prices on the stuff from Japan are really competitive (I regret not getting my Modellista body kit from them) but I think you might find better deals on other things if you shop around the internet a bit.
    Funny. The sigma site lists the AIC-100 for $310 but they have a link there that takes you directly to the Vaistech site that then lists it for $290. :lol:
  3. BobR

    BobR Member

    Jan 16, 2005
    Most, if not all, aux input adapters emulate a CD Changer, like the USASpec or the Aux to Car. This is a problem if you have a CD Changer as the radio won't see two CD Changers. On top of this, most don't allow for any additional device to be added, like Satellite radio. I personally tried the iPod2Car and it didn't work with XM Radio and the volume of the iPod was lower then that of the CD or Radio.
    The only option I know of is from Vais. Their product can emulate Mini Disc changer that the radio in the Prius can understand so there is no loss of the CD Changer. It also works perfectly with XM Radio and the volume is the correct level.

  4. Trojan

    Trojan New Member

    Oct 15, 2005
    Thanks for the info. Yeah, I definitely don't want to lose functionality of my CD changer. If worse comes to worse I can just use a tape adapter from my Sirius to the cassette player, but I'd like something a little less obtrusive.
  5. FourOhFour

    FourOhFour Member

    May 31, 2004
    2005 Prius
    I used a four pole double throw relay to add an aux input to the amp. It isn't too hard if you don't mind cutting wires. Basically you'd want to put the left+, left-, right+, and right- from the head unit to the normally closed pins of the relay, the aux device to the normally open pins, the amp on the common, and 12V through a toggle switch on one of the coil pins, and ground on the other.

    It's quieter than it should be, but otherwise sounds great.
  6. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    I bet the reason additional devices can't be connected along with the 'cheap' aux devices is that they don't send their outputs to high impedance when not actively being used. Although I don't have the actual specs, I suspect the changer/aux port has R & L audio inputs (possibly a balanced pair like on the JBL amp) and Tx+/TX- for AVC control. Of course there's also B+, ground and ACC+. If specs call for daisy chaining inputs, then the inactive inputs have to detach themselves from the audio input by sending their outputs to high impedance.