Hey guys, I just put a deposit on an an '04 with 35,000 original miles from a local Toyota dealership. I live in Canada, and prices tend to be a bit higher than in the USA, but I paid $12500 CDN, which was actually a very good price compared to all the other Prii available in Vancouver BC at this time. Plus the car is in incredible shape, only had 1 owner who bought it from that dealership and had it regularly serviced there and I've got all that service history(mainly regular service and a couple of TSB's). It's a B-package with no body dings or major scratches, and the only insurance claim on record was a windshield. The color choice is not my favorite being beige with a tan interior, but I took the bait anyway worried that I might not find another one as clean as this for this price. My intuition told me it's time to go green and do the right thing at this time in human history. I decided to recycle my (rusty) '84 Supra which leaks lots of oil, even though it runs well and I could have easily sold it for $1000+. I bought this car 10 years ago for $4000. My hobby car is a custom widebody '87 Supra that makes 435rwhp on pump gas + water/methanol injection, which I now plan to use mainly for the occasional cruise and car show, and less "aggressive" driving. Pics of both cars are below!
Both cars look nice. Not sure you should have included a shot of your daughter though. Regarding the Prius, you might want to find out when the 12v battery (not the big HV battery) was replaced as they appear to have a useful life of about 4-5 years and will cause all sorts of electric gremlin issues as they fail. Perhaps you can have the dealer replace this for you as a condition of the sale. They are about $200 fitted so the dealer will probably get them at cost for much less than this.
make your old 2004 into a polugin hybrid and get 100+ mpg. Then your really moving toward green. I updated my 05 and it's better than the new promised 2012 prius PHEV. www.pluginsupply.com