I just got a new Nokia phone with Bluetooth. Dragged out the trusty Prius Owners Manual, walked through the stpes, entered the key in my phone and . . . nothing. No "Bluetooth connection successful", no "Bluetooth connection failed" . . . Nothing. Am I missing a step or something?
is this another new/old post to your other post in the other forum? I hope that was confusing. lol. Turn on bluetooth on phone, car settings phone bluetooth, wait for message on phone and put in code, done.
what phone do you have? some phones require an additional step that is not listed. put your phone in general mode,key tones on and after you enter the passkey try pressing a few random keys on the keypad whilst its conecting.
I don't know what kind of phone you have but I had the same problem with mine after I did a firmware update on the phone. I have a Verizon Treo 700p. After entering the passkey on the phone, if the phone says that you have successfully paired it with the car, even if the car doesn't think so, make a call on the phone. At least for mine that forced the sync and it is a happy camper now. It may not work with other phones, but it is worth a try.