Prius--Trouble Free-or Trouble

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Care, Maintenance & Troubleshooting' started by Keridwen, Dec 23, 2010.

  1. xpcman

    xpcman Senior Member

    Jun 11, 2009
    California - SF Bay area
    2008 Prius
    I had to replace a tail light and a head light after 30,000 miles. $20 of unscheduled maintenance is a MAJOR problem that Toyota should correct.
  2. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    My 2006 Prius had 1 problem under warranty and was fixed in 2 trips. The 2nd trip was because the dimmer switch on the dash wasn't reconnected.

    My 2010 had 1 warranty trip. The problem could not be replicated & in almost a year it hasn't recurred.

    If someone says "Toyota doesn't care" then who does? Ford? GM? Chrysler?

    Some of us may be whiners, me included. While some Ford owners complain about the rear axle breaking or the torque converter disintegrating we're stuck complaining about not getting 60mpg, or that the nav lady is retarded (just like other manufacturers'), or that the sun visors are too short.

    Don't be spooked over the recent recalls. The floormat issue is BS.

    I bought a Prius because I want something that will hold its value better, be cheaper to operate, and have less maintenance.

    If something happened to my Prius today I'd start shopping for another 2010 V-AT tomorrow (2011's aren't here yet).
  3. Bob Comer

    Bob Comer Active Member

    Sep 20, 2010
    South Carolina low country
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Well, I bought my Prius in September and just had it in the shop for it's 5000 mile checkup (in at 7:00AM out by 7:45 and *no* cost at all), and my only complaint so far is that i didn't have a choice of 15" wheels and the adv tech package in the same car.

    The car is rock solid and I forsee a LONG and happy ownership ahead.
  4. Felt

    Felt Senior Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Mountain West
    Other Hybrid
    In my experience, if you had problems with your last car ... then I fear the Prius will be a problem also.

    My G3 has 32,000 miles; I have driven it across the country and back twice ..... no issues; no problems.

    Is it a perfect vehicle? No .... it is too low to the ground to drive in deep snow; and I would avoid deep water. Oh, it will not pull my 5th wheel. But for everything else, it has been most satisfying. Comfortable, fuel efficient, fit and finish are great, no rattles .... Toyota got it all right on my copy.
  5. cycledrum

    cycledrum PSOCSOASP

    Apr 9, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I don't own a 2010 Prius, but I own a 2009.

    In the first 9 months of ownership, the radio volume knob started working intermittently - you'd turn it and volume would not change, sometimes. Started happening more often.

    I drove the car around, got it good and warmed up, then the failure happened .... went to Piercey Toyota, service advisor observed the failure and immediately set up the service, ordered the part.

    week or so later, part came in, I came in, they put in a new JBL unit, been perfect ever since. All under warranty.

    After about 1 year of ownership, I cracked a driver's door armrest from shifting butt around in seat using elbow, my fault.

    When car was about 2 years old, took it to Hayward Toyota, service advisor looked at it, asked how old car is, how many miles, reassured it will be covered under warranty .... this job would normally cost $1,000 for whole new panel.

    part came in, they had car for 1 or 2 days, I picked it up, it was perfect. Zero cost to me, all under warranty.

    Now, if that is not standing behind your product, I have no idea what would be.

    In my opinion, Toyota really does stand behind their product. They are The largest car company in the world and they don't mess around, especially here in the SF Bay Area, a very improtant market for them.
  6. cycledrum

    cycledrum PSOCSOASP

    Apr 9, 2008
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Now, comparing Toyota to a company like Mazda ....

    The only Mazda dealer in the mid-east bay is in Fremont. The next is 20 miles N. in Oakland, or 25 miles S. in San Jose.

    To sign up for Mazda service, there is maybe one guy with a desk in the showroom. Sometimes another lady in showroom setting up service appointments. The service area is maybe 30' x 100' with 5 lifts, that's it.

    I could just imagine having a warranty issue on a Mazda .... ummm the part is backordered .... ummmm , it'll be here in 2 weeks. I don't know for sure, but they are just too small and podunkeydoo for me.
    But the zoom zoom might be fun.
  7. DataWrangler

    DataWrangler Prius Owner (finally!)

    Nov 17, 2010
    West Houston, Texas
    2010 Prius
    Well, it's now Christmas, and my Prius is performing exactly to my expectations. Just thought you guys should know.

    I've had my Prius since mid-October. I can't imagine driving any other car. Every aspect of it is perfect for me. I have just over 3000 miles. My lifetime average mpg as measured by Trip B is 42+ mpg at an average speed of 26 mph. It cruises easily at 80+ mph and 50+ mpg.

    The only problem I've had was the hassle of a minor rear-end collision the repair of which was covered by other driver's insurance. I drove a 2011 Camry rental (non-hybrid) for the three days it took in the shop. I hated it. The Camry is a popular and well respected car, but for me, it was crude and primitive compared to my Prius.
  8. LatteDrinkingLiberal

    LatteDrinkingLiberal Junior Member

    Oct 30, 2010
    Marietta, GA
    2010 Prius
    We don't all hate the reverse beep!
    1 person likes this.
  9. Codyroo

    Codyroo Senior Member

    Oct 24, 2007
    Pleasanton, Ca
    2010 Prius
    15,000 + miles in the 9 months I've own my 2010. Great car and no real issues. I may have a weak 12 volt battery (not the $2000 battery, the $200 one), but it hasn't been an issue for several months. The car has met my expectations. Good mileage, no rattles, no sudden acceleration, no braking issues.
  10. SW03ES

    SW03ES Senior Member

    Dec 8, 2004
    Gaithersburg, MD
    2004 Prius
    Like a couple of others have said, you can't really take what you see on an Internet message board as a true representation of the experience of Prius owners in general. You have a certain type of individual who buys a Prius, and a certain type of individual who participates in Internet message boards and where those two spheres meet is where you have a PriusChat member. People come on and post because they are having issues, most of those issues come from people who have unrealistic expectations of the vehicle and the company that manufactures it and supports it.

    The Prius is a different kind of car...but its still a car. However well engineered something is, there will always be issues once its out in the world being used day to day...

    Toyota is just a car company, and at the end of the day all they really care about is making money, not changing the world, not providing you with the best car on earth...unless changing the world or providing you with the best car ever is going to make them more money.

    Its a great car...and as long as you keep what it is, and who Toyota and its dealers are in perspective you'll be happy.
    2 people like this.
  11. pakitt

    pakitt Senior Member

    Aug 10, 2009
    2021 Prius Prime
    As already written by others here - the forums are a collection of people who either have a problem and looking for a solution or are looking for information.

    But because of this, a *lot* of those having problems are going to be there - but how big of a % are these posters compared to all other Prius owners? 1% 5%? we don't know.
    It's like assuming that everybody looks like the models on the ads (slender, good looking, muscled, etc.etc.etc.), just because you see ads everywhere. The reality is somewhere else...

    I have my Prius since Sep. 2009. I had 1 oil change, at 15.000km when the mechanic, looking at the underside asked me "do you park in a garage? because it looks new" - and I said, "no, I park in the middle of the street and the car is 1 year old" (smiling). Whether he was BSing me or not, I don't know, but he had no interest in doing so - I would still have to change the oil there, right?

    The only "minus" I have of the car is:
    1) the FM radio performance is sub-par (but I use the FM radio less and less and it has nothing to do with safety, performance, fuel efficiency, reliability - true reasons why one buys a car - still it seems that Toyota doesn't care, really)
    2) the tonneau cover got dirty and I don't know how to get it clean - and in winter it doesn't go back well enough (OMG! Toyota doesn't care!!)
    3) the car is pretty low on the ground, which means I have to take care when driving, once a year, on dirt roads...

    Once I reach the 2 year mark, I will post the issues I had with my VW Polo in the same time frame and I will say, that will cover all worries of getting a Prius based on the posts here....

    BTW: I don't think you can read german, but this is what a forum about VW in Germany looks like - 139 pages of people talking about "experienced problems" with the new Golf VI - 139 pages - 2085 replies!!! (even if a % of that is only chit chat, I can assure you there are some replies that look like a war report):
    Umfrage: erlebte Mängel am VIer? : Seite 140 : Gibt manche die mussten sich noch mit schlimmerem abfinden als...
  12. timo27

    timo27 Member

    Jul 10, 2009
    Baltimore, MD
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Two quick pieces of advice:

    1 - Ignore any thread started by "mwok somethingorother." Big time troll, axe to grind, whatever.

    2 - Go over to, say, the VWvortex site. Take a look around.

    just my $0.02.
  13. patsparks

    patsparks An Aussie perspective

    Jul 12, 2007
    Adelaide South Australia
    2004 Prius
    My Prius sucks!
    I had to replace a water pump at 6 years and 150,000 kilometres.
    Also I need to put fuel in it every 3 weeks or so and oil every 15 to 20,000 kilometres.
    Oh and the bloody tyres wore out after 80,000km, how bad is that?

    Do you recognise sarcasm?

    I have friends who thought Toyota was too expensive and they are paying for their mistakes. My brother bought a Nissan Patrol diesel, then spent $11,000 on repairs. If he bought a Land Cruiser he would have had a better car and would have been $5,000 or more better off, and that's before we take into account resale value.

    Don't buy a Toyota if you want to get closer to your local mechanic.
  14. twittel

    twittel Senior Member

    Jul 7, 2010
    Mt. Pleasant, SC
    2010 Prius
    Well, I think the upshot here is that forum members are Prius "enthusiasts" who are technical, detailed and critical all for the purpose of sharing experiences (good or bad), and for learning from others experiences (good or bad). Most enthusiasts do point out fit and finish problems, creaks/rattles, engine noises and lack off, and lots more. This in no way implies that the Prius is unsafe, unreliable or unresponsive. I think it only implies we care to engage the car to learn more by sharing our findings and experience with other Prius enthusiasts.

    Buy whatever car you like, but the Prius is value-driven.

    Happy Motoring,

  15. ETC(SS)

    ETC(SS) The OTHER One Percenter.....

    Oct 28, 2010
    Redneck Riviera (Gulf South)
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I've logged over 300,000 miles in three models, and have had zero break-downs and only 1 non-warranty repair (evap system) and 2 warranty repairs (both steering linkages---covered by a TSB.)
    ...on my GMC Sierra trucks. :D

    Having said that, GM does not enjoy the 'reliability' reputation that Toyota does, especially in this forum. Sometimes people make their own luck.

    I think you'll find that the Prius has an above average reputation for reliability for a REASON. It's a solidly engineered car, albeit a little on the complicated side. If you make even a passing attempt to maintain it, it will give you good service.
    My only complaint about my II (and it's a company car---not my personal vehicle) is that the build quality is only average. It's starting to develop a few squeaks and creaks that will have to be isolated and squelched (most plasitcated interiors do), and the sound insulation, seats (II), and carpeting are sub-par for this price range.
    You have to be careful where you put your palms when you exit, or you can snap off a door armrest or buckle a center console, and the visors and rear wipers are nearly non-functional.

    Sounds bad---right?

    Not at all. My Prius has been rock solid for 3,200 miles. The drive train performs flawlessly and even in December, I'm getting 55+ MPG in a car that compared to a Aveo or an Insight is pretty comfortable and easy to drive.

    You have to decide on a car that fits YOU, and will give YOU what I hope will be years of dependable service.

    Toyota's come with a warranty.
    You don't have to worry about 'reliability' for a few years if you buy a new one, besides all that you're a self described tree-hugger.
    What else are you going to buy? :D

    3 quick words of advice if you buy new:
    * Don't get GAP. You can buy it from your insurance company.
    * Consider having the dealership disable the reverse beeper.
    * Don't buy the extended warranty. You can buy the same coverage later---more cheaply!

    Good Luck. If you get a Prius, I personally do not think you'll regret it.