I removed the HV battery from my Prius 2006 and put back the same battery without any changes on that. But now I can't run my engine, it doesn't turn on. Can anybody help me with this problem? Thank you!
Find the orange traction battery interlock switch on the driver's side of the battery. Make sure that it is properly installed: the lever must be pivoted 90 degrees, then slid to lock into place.
Who has ever changed the battery of Prius 2006? After putting back the battery, the car isn't running. Everything connected right and installed right. If somebody does something like this and can help me with my problem. Thank you.
After the posts above, I only have to remind that there should be a minimum SOC of the batt to run the ICE. Are there any warnings/sign lights on?
Can't help you without more info. Such as, what are the DTCs? If you don't know what DTC means or have a method to read them, you are in over your head. If you don't have high voltage gloves and a Class III DVM, you are in over your head. Is your 12V battery fully charged? How long was the HV battery out of the car, or was this a junkyard replacement? Why was the battery removed, and were the inverter and transaxle also disconnected/reconnected in the process? Please provide detailed answers to these questions and it is possible that we can help. If you have made all connections correctly, and the fuse inside the orange service plug is intact, then the only reason that the engine won't start is that the terminal voltage on the HV battery is not high enough, i.e. less than 190V or so. A battery that has been sitting for more than a year will most likely need to be recharged. The vast majority of these problems is that the orange service plug is installed incorrectly. Please read Patrick Wong's post carefully and double-check your installation. This all assumes that the HV system is not even trying to turn over the engine. If the engine turns over but does not start, then there is a different troubleshooting list, starting with fuel, spark, proper amount and weight of engine oil, etc.