Cracker Barrel Restaurants in Tennessee will be installing 480v EV fast chargers by next summer. This will be in the area where the Nissan Leaf is to be made. Charging electric cars at the Cracker Barrel | MNN - Mother Nature Network
Wow! I guess this will eventually become more common, huh? Today I asked my 12 year old if he had ever seen a type-writer and he said, "Yes, in a museum." I had to laugh! One day kids will say they saw a car that runs on gas "in a museum."
Hmm, Think about it. Is it practical for your typical family resteraunt to put in gas pumps? Not really. Besides the large holes in the ground for the tanks, there is the liability of the tanks developing leaks, and making the property difficult to resell. Which is probably why gas stations do not usually expand much beyond being gas stations. But EV quick chargers is a whole new dynamic. They can get the buisness that would normally go across the street at the gas station, as well as the buisness of fueling your family. Drive in, plug in, have a good dinner, pay for it all at once. I like that. And Tennesee has a political advantage towards EVs. Besides the Nissan plant where they are made, they have the TVA, which is a huge employer there.
it makes sense. Time to charge a EV is too long to do it at a gas station. Offering it at a restaurant where meanwhile you can eat looks like a good idea. Shopping malls would be another good place, any place where one is to spend more than an hour or so.
if all the crackerbarrels had them, i could make it to florida and back. i'd probably put on 20 pounds tho, if i had to eat that often!:hungry:
it would be nice if they made a iphone ap that shows were all the chargers are and if they are being used