I measured battery on my 2007 Prius by MDF, it's only 11.9V, charging is about 14V. When I turn on ACC mode, and Radio is on, I think it shut down the radio after about 15minutes; I cannot put the car in ready mode after it shut down. I have to jump it in order to put in ready mode. Is it my turn to replace this auxiliary battery?
Agree with Patrick, but I must say, several threads like this lately from 2007ish model year. Making me nervous about mine! So far so good (cross-fingers). - D
You got 4 years of service, anything more is nice but not expected. I would begin to plan what life is like after the original 12 volt is dead.
Me? Yeah I know. I tell myself that between regular long drives, garage parking and occasional doses of Battery Minder TLC I should expect longer than usual survival, but I'm resolved to the fact that I'll have to replace it eventually. - D
The original equipment 12V battery from my 2007 died last month after four years of age. I was a bit surprised as I had gotten six years of service from the original batteries in the 2001 and 2004 - and replaced them at that time although they were still functioning. One problem is that the 2007 is lightly used, so the battery probably spent lots of time in a partially discharged state. I'm using the battery charger more frequently now to maintain the battery charge at a high level.
You could try something like this. It will attempt to bring it back, if unsuccesful it will show on the status lights. You download a pdf of the manual to see in more detail. MUS 3300 - CTEK SWEDEN AB Even if you do manage to restore it, sounds like a new battery should be your next priority: they are a "consumable".
Yes me too. MY similarly driven very low miles 07 measures 12 sometimes 12.1 first thing in the AM. Its seen alot of battery tending too. Never had to jump it. Time for a yellowtop I think. I see some new yellowtops on eBay for a good deal but there different "D" versions. Was hoping would find one there with proper version but no luck yet.
Thank you Everyone for your suggestions. I agree with Edthefox5 "Time for a yellowtop". I drained the battery a few times (might be the reason for 11.9V). 1-When I installed auto headlight module, this new module by default with Daytime running light on (I did not know) and keep trouble shoot till no more battery power.... 2-Kids forgot to turn off the dome light for few times. 3-Keep turn on (ACC) to listen to radio few times (few hours) till battery drained (auto turn off radio after exactly one hour). I think I will do the following: 1-When listen to radio for an extended time --> using Ready mode 2-Change all interior light bulbs to LED with low power (Watts)... 3-Replace battery with Optima Yellowtop battery. 4-When possible use DC external source to test trouble shoot (example use old unused laptop 15V power supply to test auto headlight module function before actually install in the car). Anything else?
Always lock the car no matter where you leave it. If the most common battery-draining conditions exist it will give a long warning beep.
I just bought the 8071-167 D51 from Amazon for $140.00. Not a direct fit, but fashioning the adaptation is relatively simple and cheap.
D51 Yellow Top You can fashion your own conversion parts for ~ $5.00, or order this kit from elearnaid.com.
I now have a inventory of 4 batteries (12V). It does not matter which battery is installed they all read about 12.3Volts, ( with no drains ) They all show 13.9 to 14.1 Volts on the MFD when in auto charging state. Local or distance driving doesn't matter. Since I have never measured a full charge on even a new battery, after it has been installed in the car for a few days, I am slowly concluding that the Prius charging system has some sort of current limiting circuitry that prevents the battery from showing a full charge. This even happens after cherging a battery to 15-16Volts on the bench before installing in the car. I have never experienced any starting problems.
That is why it's so important to fully and properly charge the replacement battery before installation With my '04, the first winter I had it the battery ran down. Conditions: temps down to -40, auto headlights on (Driving to work in the dark, driving home in the dark), Max Heat, and electric defrost I hooked up a VDC Battery Minder and kept the Prius battery plugged in whenever the Prius sat parked overnight at my condo underground parking. That solved the problem
I didn't wait for my original 12v battery to go bad in my 07. I replaced it with a yellow top from eLearnaid about three months ago. The installation was easy.
Your solution with the battery minder is perfect Jayman. Sticking to the lead acid technology, when purchasing a battery, it is recommended that it be precharged before installation, your local garage or battery store is not going to do it. In my case I did charge it first for a couple of days ( readings were in excess of 13 volts) but after hooking up the battery to the car, it only read 12.3 volts. Perhaps the parasitic drains are more than previously discussed? Where is that charge disappearing to? I suppose the DCV should be measured unconnected to the car for a true reading. I hope that's -40 Centergrade?
Depending on how low the battery is allowed to go on the shelf, at a low amp setting, say 5 amps, it could take a couple of days. A good automatic "smart" charger will taper the charge to prevent overcharging Even brand new batteries will have sulphation from sitting. A desulphation cycle is good. With my Prius, I would leave the VDC disconnected but after 6 hours would measure the voltage using a Fluke DMM at the VDC charge harness pigtail. It would usually be 12.9-13.2 vdc As far as temp, -40 C and -40 F are the same thing. Translated: WAY too cold!