The store has always rubbed me the wrong way, I rarely shop there, and when I read this, I was like, "figures".
Have you ever noticed how much stuff in a Wal-Mart is from China? I have. Here is something I did not know. I had an associate who works in China here for a visit. He says that there are WalMarts all over in China. That surprised me. Remember, Toyota makes Evil SUVs and only made the Prius as a publicity stunt to get 'phony green' credits. Right? Wal-Mart and Toyota are both --- For Profit Corporations.
We've refused to set foot in the local Wally-land for over a year now, ever since they had a salary and employee safety dispute. But it is very popular, mostly with folks with low incomes. Can't deny their savings but I don't have to shop there. Bas- - - ds.
People have been sold a bill of non-existant goods if they think the only reason for corporations to exist is for profits. There is social responsibility. There is loyalty to employees. It's about time conservatives faced facts squarely and honestly. By continuing the mantra of profits above all else you are begging for more government intervention. Corporations are like children whereby they test the limits and try to get away with going over those limits. It is a parent's responsibility to say 'NO' and it is a government's responsibility to say 'NO' you can't get away with anything you want, there are consequences. We need corporate reform and it needs to be severe for reigning in corporate bad attitude.
<_< Not surprised. What bugs me most about WM is how they used to advertise how "Buy American" their products were while stocking just as many foreign goods as other retailers. They don't do that anymore but people don't seem to care about "Made in America" much anymore either.
I'm not a big fan of Wal-Mart's labor practices, either. But I do ask WM bashers: do you have any sneakers made by Nike, Reebok or Adidas? Do you eat any vegetables or fruit grown in CA which require hand-picking? Do you buy any clothing made in Sri Lanka or Pakistan or Ecuador or Costa Rica?
Are you all against stuff made in China or WM's labor practice? It seems confusing to me from reading all the posts before mine. For the former, there is no crying in global buziness. The fittest survive. China has the quality workers for the wages. For one computer chip we sell them, we get to buy back tons of cloths.... The unfair econemic practice and trade barriers are probably what US should care more about (piracy, etc.) For the latter, I agree. My wife and I dislike going to WM. We shop at Target often. WM has the low-price goods but the environment is not welcoming. It's always crowded with both people and goods.
I'm sure you've all heard the old adage "Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; he'll feed himself forever." Apply this logic to China and every other developing country. We can continue to give them foreign aid or we can buy things they make. Think about it; which will result in the greatest benefit for the most people? Look what foreign trade has done for Europe and Japan since WWII. South Korea and many other Pacific rim countries have built their society on the production of cheap goods sold to the consumer societies of the world. If you think the WalMarts of the world are exploiting developing countries labor; look back at history to see the exploitation that was taking place before trade really became a multi-billion dollar transfer of wealth. Any transfer pretty much stopped at the upper-crust of the ruling class. At least now, people are being employed and wages are being earned. The result is a developing middle class that has purchasing power of its own. This can't be all bad.
Good point Jack. All of us, me included, fixate on a particular item that seems to "sum up" our feelings. Men have feet of clay and organizations have foundations of clay. I could find social things wrong with "Ben and Jerry's". How many less jobs would the country have if Wal-Mart closed down right now. Disgruntled employees bash WM, ask employees who like their job what they think. There are co-workers of mine that bash where I work...I love this place and would die for what we do (honest, I would...those of you who are aware what I do know it)