ya know maggieddd....I couldn't agree with you more. I DEFINATELY should've gone the Prius route. And I had my first drive to work today. Pretty cool...but I am in that being super cautious phase. My Prius personal space bubble is huge...hehe.
The service department was pretty bad PB... And although 'technically' there may not have been anything wrong with it, the noise coming from the brakes (which no one from Ford seemed to be able to hear :huh: ) was driving me batty. Couple that with the overall experience and total lack of confidence in that vehicle...I couldn't be happier getting rid of it.
I admire a guy (or gal) who'll admit they may have screwed up and cut their losses pronto. That goes for all sorts of decisions, not just cars. Good for you attenergy! As I'm getting ready to trade a year-old F-150 for a Prius, I had considered goin' to an Escape Hybrid (the dealer "really" wants to keep my business) since I would prefer higer ground clearance, off-roadability and space. But, since the hybrid suvs don't really offer much in terms of mpg savings, I reckoned I needed to join the message-senders: Free Us From Oil Dependency.... Give us efficiency over more power..... Anyhow that's the view from this country guy....
Thanks Cowboy. I definately know where you're coming from with the ground clearance, off road stuff...etc. I actually felt funny because I wasn't going to be an SUV guy anymore...BUT...driving the Pri...knowing I am contibuting...it feels good. I hope that once you get your Pri you will share in that feeling. Good luck with your purchase and let us all know when you get it!
I'm doing the Happy Dance, too...I get to pick mine up on Friday! I can hardly wait! I give Ford credit for trying and I hope they don't give up. I have a 2002 Ford Escape that I'm trading for the Prius. I have to say, it has been one of the best vehicles I've ever owned. Hopefully they can get the bugs worked out. Oh, wait...I digressed from my main point...I CAN'T WAIT! :blink: