I bought a pre--owned used 2010 Toyota Prius on 18 Dec 10 from Toyota. The first owner drive her for 4 months and put 6400 miles on her. The reason I bought the Prius was for the MPG, and more green in my pocker like everyone else here, and I guess I am saving the planet or something. I traded in my 2001 Toyota 4Runner, 125,000 miles with 16 MPG. I drive 20 miles one way to work and then back home again. I was spending 400 a month on gas for my 4Runner. I am very pleased with the looks, and the room inside the car. I was orignial looking at a Matrix but there was no room, and the shifter was on the console. Well, thats my intro.
I'm a new owner in NC as well. I've had my 2010 for about a week, I traded my 2004 Tacoma. I was checking out Matrix and Corolla but went with the Prius. so far I like it alot, it's driving a video game! I also getting better at driving it, the last couple of round trips to work (50 mi) I am averaging 47 - 55 MPG. Cheers! - BTW, nice color .....man, typing too fast at work - it's like driving a video game.... and - I'm also getting better at driving it... I'm averaging 47 - 55 mpg .... thx
What cab size Tacoma did you have? How was the gas? Sounds like you and I are both making long round trips to work and back everyday. I have a nice house and bills to pay, so I needed something with much better gas millage. My best gas milage is 53 so far. Going to fill up after work, and going on a 400 mile trip, so I am curious to see how it does.
:welcome: Welcome to Priuschat and Prius ownership! Read the manual cover to cover. Seriously. Then, for the extended version, read through the forums here. There is a ton of information here at Priuschat if you have the time to pick through all the posts. You will achieve expert level at no time. My advice is usually for new owners to simply drive the car and get to know it before attempting any hypermiling techniques. In your case, it's Winter-time so you pretty much don't have a choice since you will be experiencing lower winter mileage anyway. So get a feel for the car, play around with the displays and practice coasting to red lights and using the battery-only "stealth" mode. Then come Spring and Summer you'll be kicking some MPG butt.
to the OP - Tacoma Prerunner Double cab, loved it but downsized house and got rid of the boat, decided I could get by with a smaller ride.... I could do 20 mpg at best on the Taco. Tony, yep, I spent the first 2 days pouring over the manual (and the CD) and constantly going in / out of the house to check out settings. I'm hooked! Thanks for the advice....
Welcome to both of the new NC'ers and congratulations on your purchases. Follow Tony's advice, just drive the car for a while to get used to it and then visit this site frequently for loads of good information.
I just got my new Prius a few days ago. I also drive 20 miles (one-way) to work. I am soooooo looking forward to the savings in gas money, especially this summer when gas prices are going to sky-rocket again.
Congrats! Buying a slightly driven Prius is an excellent way to get your new Prius. Confirm with your seller when the oil needs changing and what type of oil since the Prius needs 0W/30 synthetic. Read your owner's manual because your new Prius offers lots of cool features. Since NC east coast may be getting snow this weekend, I hope your Blizzard White doesn't get lost in a white out! Happy Motoring, Tom
New Pkg IV 2010 owner here in NC as well. Picked my car up yesterday. So far my mpg sucks big time, but I expected that AND I'm new to the car and it's winter. I've got a lot to learn. I'm not going to stress about my mpg cause I know it will only get better over time, as I learn the best tricks from the forum.
Hey with all y'all Prius owners here in North Carolina, sounds like we need a Carolina rally and bbq fest. Just don't spill sauce on my clean carpets! Happy Motoring, Tom