+1! This post hits the nail squarely on the head! Unfortunately, for some of the religeous zealots out there...you can't say ANYTHING negative about Priuses without them acting like one of Sara Palin's "mama grizzlies." The Prius is just about the worst car that I can think of to drive on a race track. Get your finger back outside the trigger guard, Sarah...this is JMHO! The Prius is also just about the best car I can think of to drive to and from the race track....or work, or WalMart...well unless you're calorically challenged (fat), or you have issues with testicular fortitude that you're trying to compensate for (uh...I'll let you cipher that one out!) This is just MY take. Priuses do have their little (and big) faults---most of which are dutifully listed and opined about in this forum, and for the first year of a Gen-3 hybrid---these faults are neither many nor serious. I mean people looooove Das Volkswagons, and you can go BROKE keeping one of those things on the road!! If you want to prostrate yourself before the altar of the Prius---knock yerself out. It's neat that you can find such happiness all wrapped up in a package that only costs about 10 bucks a pound! Just remember---we don't all worship at the same church! Alright Sarah...just give me about a 10-second running start---then you can put your finger back on the trigger....
This is not a church and Prius is not perfect (see a list of mods I did to my Prius, in my signature). You can say any shortcoming as long as it is constructive. How is "it drives like a refrigerator" helpful to the original poster? That's why I called out SW03ES. I respect his opinions and agree with many of his statements, just not that one.
I like driving our Prius. Does that satisfy you, OP ? If not, go rent the car for a day or so and decide for yourself.
Yes....and to a lot of others. No, I'm a very well studied automobile enthusiast who has driven many, many cars. I don't just regurgitate things I read on the Internet...like I said...that statement wasn't even made by me, but by ANOTHER Prius owner who is also very capable of making a realistic assessment of the cars handling prowess compared with the many excellent road cars he has owned. I've owned the vehicle for 6 years...and been a member here for 6 years and contributed over 2,000 posts, I think i am qualified to give an honest opinion about its attributes without being accused of being a hater or a troll. I am simply not a mindless "fanboy". You ask "How does a refrigerator drive?" The answer is "Not like a car", and I'm sure if asked you'd find plenty of hardcore german handling car owners and fans who would argue that the Prius doesn't drive like a car, because of what their definition of a "car" is. Just because I may like my cars doesn't mean they do everything well...they do the things that are important to me well. Having a brisk handling fun to drive car is not really that important to me. Both my vehicles are not brisk handling or fun to drive...but to me thats unimportant. To other buyers those attributes may be important...and if they are I would suggest they not purchase either cars I presently own because I believe they would be disappointed in them. Can I be any more clear? The guy asked if the car is "fun to drive" and the answer is really no, not if his definition of fun to drive is something like a VW GTI or a BMW. VW Golf GTI...fun to drive...similar price and form factor to the Prius (smaller obviously). Its a question of priorities, is having more space and economy more important than having something that makes you grin when weaving through a mountain backroad? We've made our choice, he needs to make his.
I agree that it all depends on where you were coming from. Since th OP's previous cars were Civic or Renault (not sure which model) and his new car list also includes the Civic, I don't think he'll feel Prius would drive like a fridge.
Actually I would say a Civic is significantly more fun to drive than a Prius...and it really depends on what model Civic. For what a Prius costs he can buy a Civic Si... Hondas in general are sportier, zippier than comparable Toyotas. A lot of Renaults are pretty zippy too from what I have been told, I've never driven one. If you drive an Accord and a Camry back to back for instance, the Accord is a lot firmer while the Camry is pretty boaty. One way to be sure...he should drive them back to back and see.
As a reply to the original poster, I agree with many of the points made previously, and I will also weigh in. Among your questions were distance driving, at speed. Also the question of driving pleasure. I raced sports cars in the 1970s and 80s, with track records on every track, both in highly tuned cars and in showroom stock. Pioneered emergency brake turns in front-wheel-drive cars in hillclimbs and performance rallies. And those who know me could not believe I bought a 3G Prius, after dozens of performance cars, and my racing/rally experience. Yet, it kinda depends on what is important to you. To me, it was the realization that fuel will be a lot more expensive during the 12-15 years I expect to own my car (based on experience). I have driven my Prius 80+ MPH (close to your KPH target) for six hours straight, from Colorado to New Mexico, in the USA. I also drove a Renault Le Car for 6 hours straight at top speed in an Enduro at Sears Point Raceway. Although the Prius was in hilly country, and the MPG suffered, it was more comfortable. For those who want a performance car, the Prius does not qualify. But as a performance enthusiast who has made choices, having driven everything from Ferraris to Formula A to Corvettes, Porsches, and so on, my driving has always been purpose-driven. For my driving today my Prius 3G only lacks one thing: AWD and high ground clearance when the snow in Colorado exceeds 8 inches. To the OP: Take the advice of those who say to rent one and try it out. I think it is the type of car everyone will drive ten years from now. Good luck with your decision: Driving Enthusiasts need not compromise!
Hey, I got something out of that description, even if you didn't. I've often described my parents' Ford Econoline conversion van as if it drove like a boat; it doesn't turn fast, it doesn't stop fast, it doesn't do anything fast. So when he said that it felt like driving an appliance (like said refrigerator), I took it to mean that it was functional and useful, if not exciting or sexy. Or perhaps that the handling wasn't as good as said exciting, sexy car.
I never understand the idea that one cannot drive a Prius because it is not sporty enough... My old truck My old car My older car My new car And I LOVE driving the Prius.
The ISF is a super awesome car to drive, but its not for me. Maybe one day when I can afford to blow $60k on something JUST for fun! Have my ES to drive every day and an ISF to drive on the weekends...I'll go buy some lottery scratchers Thats great, but if you try and tell us that your Prius is not less sporty than the vehicles you've posted above it...you're not being honest with us... You made a decision to go with a vehicle that offered more of one type of performance, and less of another and you're happy with that decision. For someone who doesn't want to make that compromise...they wouldn't be as happy.
It's fun to drive in a different way and honestly, a more mature, responsible and safer way. I would never state that everyone would be happy in a Prius but for those that automatically assume they could never be happy with one because it doesn't have 300hp or carve corners like a Monster Miata, I just have to shake my head. Maybe it an education and/or maturity thing. *shrug*
I´m enjoying all the post because you all are giving me any possible point of view as well as all the concerns about this car. My civic was 1999 1.6 VTEC (115 cv@4000r I think remember) and my renault is (was) a laguna grand tour 1.9 dci (120 cv w/turbo). So I can´t pretend I had a lot of fun with those vehicles, just some fun on different aspects depending upon the vehicle. When I was driving the civic I was breathing for more torque, and when I got the torque (with the turbo) then I had a very long vehicle, ideal for travelling with the family. Can I have all the same time? yes, but this solution is very expensive and I´m a regular man with a regular salary from the Navy, and the Spanish Navy is not known for having rich personnel among the crew. Honestly, most of time I drive in a quiet manner but with some nerve. I need a car to travel in comfort, sure that is safe for me and my family, reducing cost and inefficiencies and with a responsive engine that won´t fail me, not only in a ten years period but in that moment when you are passing a long truck and see a car coming in front of you in the same lane and it´s late to brake. With fun I mean a responsive car, not a van or a truck in which reactions takes infinite seconds to happen. You cannot enjoy a curly road with the prius? You cannot be the first in a light? you cannot leave behind some stupid guy pushing you in the road? In Spain you can rent it only at Hertz but only if you are lucky because there aren´t too much units and they cannot tell you where to find them, so it depends on luck and your odds only increase in the long term and I cannot wait that long. For this reason I´m asking here, because I can find people with different backgrounds, different opinions and different interests on this car and everybody has its own opinion (as Clint Eastwood said opinions are like arses, everybody have its own). All your comments are being very helpful, and I´m very thankful to you
If you've had a 1.6 Civic or a 1.9 diesel Laguna you WILL find the Prius 1.8 to be good at overtaking and responsive. The 0-100 kmh time is 10 seconds which is ok, but the Prius has good mid range power and allows you to overtake with confidence. You also have the option of a 'Power' mode which makes the car much more responsive and it really does fly when overtaking with this option selected. Your family should find the Prius a very comfortable car to travel in and the kids will love it. I often get comments from my taxi passengers who say how smooth, quiet and comfortable the Prius is to travel in. I think this is because of the hybrid transmission and the way it works. You will also enjoy driving in city traffic as the car is nippy when needed but also so quiet when you're sat in stationary traffic. So relaxing.
Thats a statement that I would agree with. Plenty of safe, reasonably powered and efficient vehicles that handle really well out there though... The power isn't going to be the issue, the issue is going to be the "curly road". Thats where the economy car roots of the Prius' suspension really let it down. Its not going to be as fun as it would be with something with a fully independent suspension and RWD...but it will be competent and safe.
After reading all your answers and lot of posts, I think this is going to be my car for the next years, and hope this "next years" to mean over a decade and thousand of km. Next week I´m going to my dealer and will try to get the best possible price. In Spain there are 3 different finishes: ECO - the basic one ADVANCE - medium EXECUTIVE - best one I will go for the advance, since the exec is very expensive and differences aren´t so important to me (except the leather and the auto lightning). There is one option available that I will like to ask: the eco solar (the roof). Anybody has this option? Is it worth the 1000€ (1300$)? Thank you again and... MERRY CHRISTMAS
Does the solar roof can be option on Advance? Here in Portugal it only comes with the higher level, and when applied, has the 15inch wheels. That would be my option (if money was no problem back then), just because it comes with the 15inch. 17inch is "obligatory" for intermediate and upper levels here... Solar panel is ok, gives much comfort under the magnificent sun (Iberia...!!), and lightens the cabin a bit. Does it worth the value? I don't believe. But, CONGRATULATIONS. In a few weeks after purchase, come and see what we have written and exchanged. You will smile proudly of your choice...
Yes, in Spain you can have the ecosolar pack with the Advance for 950€. Why do you prefer the 15inch instead of the 17inch? I supposed it was better given that they put it on the higher level, despite I´m not sure on the effect of the radius in consumption or comfort when driving. The 215 should give more stability than the 195. I think prius is my best option, no doubt about it, it´s joining the leader team. Next year is coming plenty of new hybrid and electric options but seem to be well behind prius.