Hi All, I have researched and come up with the Michelin Energy Savers as the tires I would like to put on my 2007 Prius. I still have the original Integetries with 61k miles on them so I think I've done pretty well but I think it's time. (And I've been getting a steady 56 mpg). But - we can't find them in stock ANYWHERE. And this is really bothering DH. Must've called at least 10 tire places all around us and no one has them - they can all get them in a few days.... So what's the story? DH thinks there is something wrong with the tire and wants me to get another tire - possibly the Michelin Weatherwise. I need help! Thanks RA
Tell DH to chill.... the reason you can't find them, is they are such a GREAT tire. Order them from Tire Rack, Americas Tires, or other online store. I just put a set on 3 days ago, GREAT TIRE..... It's gonna be a grea tank for MPG his go around. Also had he alignment redone!! Baby runs sweet!
i also am going to use them when mine are shot. great rating on tire rack for mpg, quietness and handling and tire life. worth the wait!
Ok guys - I got the tires about 3 weeks ago. (800 miles +/-) Well, not happy with the mpg at all. I expected a little drop due to a couple of reasons a - new tires b - we've had REALLY cold weather (like it hasn't gotten above the mid 30's) and even though I have the core heater and insulation on the front of my car my mpg would go down a few in the winter BUT - I've gotten a 10 mpg drop! WOW! I was getting 55-56 mpg and now I'm getting 45-46 mpg. (I don't even think I was that low when the car was new). Gee, I'm almost wanting my Integrities back... So - a thought: I'm running these tires with 40psi. The tires say they can go to 51psi max. (I couldn't find a range - just a max). I ran the Integrities at 44psi. So maybe that's the problem. These feel pretty hard where they are but if I need more air I 'll put it in. Otherwise, I'm driving the same. (Or not any different to make the mileage drop that much). Any other ideas? Help me out please. A
The big question here is, when did the weather turn bad and when did you get your tires? The cold temps could account for 5+mpg loss, more if combined with rain. The new tires could account for a few mpg until broke in. Break in could take as long as a couple thousand miles depending on how hard you drive. So you could see a 10mpg drop with the new tires and combined bad weather.
i don't know where you're located, but here in new england, it's gotten pretty cold over the last few weeks. i got 60 mpg on my last tank and 50 so far on this one.
They coincided so I did expect a drop from the weather. But in the past I would go down to about 52 mpg in the winter - and it really has been colder than normal for here this early. (NJ and don't laugh). No rain/snow [except for last week 1 day of highway misery] I just didn't expect such a hit. Think I should up the psi? A
I'm not going to suggest upping the PSI but I would suggest checking the pressure to ensure it has not dropped with the colder temps. I bet with more miles and warmer temps you will recover your mpg.
Why not? Some of us having been driving with their tires at the maximum (PSI listed on the sidewall) for many years now. I personally have for over 150,000 miles and am quite pleased with the efficiency, handling, and wear that way. .
Because I don't want to be responsible for anything. I run my tires at max psi and have run as high as 60psi in the past. What I do and what I may recommend may be different depending on the situation.
i would at least up it to what you had the integrities at. did you have an alignment done? how many miles on her? 12v test out okay? could be coincidental with another problem, but it's gotten cold quickly this year. 10mpg doesn't surprise me at all. keep us posted.
I'm looking to buy a set of tires with fuel economy the #1 goal, and was thinking of the Michelin Energy Savers at 42psi/40psi. However, this tire is designed to be high efficiency at 35psi, and may not be as ideal as other tires to run at higher PSI. I'm also wondering if another tire at 42 psi would be about the same? Also, would the 195/60R15 tire lose MPG vs the 185/65R15? It has a slightly smaller overall diameter: Energy Saver A/S | Michelin Tires
Heh. I just put on new ES's, did a 400 mile highway trip, and noticed an increase of 5 mpg. But I also had the alignment done for the first time, AND replaced an old 12v battery. So it would be hard not to see an increase I guess. I'm hoping to see even more of an increase after they break-in. I'm currently running them at 35psi. I might up that soon.
The Energy Savers are a great tire but they are pretty costly. If you can get away with a summer tire then the Ecopia EP100 may be a better choice for max fuel economy AND price if they last as long as the Energy Savers. The Energy Savers have a higher treadwear rating so they may be a better deal. It's really hard to say without unbiased testing. I'm sure you have seen this but just in case... When Round and Black Becomes Lean and Green I may consider getting a pair of the Energy Savers when my Yokohamas wear out. Especially if Costco and Tire Rack run those $70 rebate deals! Make sure to track this over a few tanks or more. One trip is not usually a good enough to determine a true MPG change. Weather factors that you may not be aware of can really screw up your calculations.
Yep, good point. Weather was actually pretty bad last night, cold and rainy, go figure. But, yeah - we'll see what it does over the next few tanks. Two things I do know so far: (1) The tires are very quiet compared to my previous OEMs and (2) they look great.
It's funny you mention that. One of the beefs I have with my current tires is that they are sorta ugly when compared to my old Nokian i3s. lol
Definitely paying attention to this one. We were averaging 50-51 with our original integrities. At 25K the dealer gave us a new set (tires for life deal) because my wife had picked up a large piece of metal in one of the tires. Even did the alignment then. That was last August. So far we have logged about 6K miles on the new ones, but have seen an average MPG of 43-44. Still running 38 psi all around just like the old ones. For the first couple of months I expected a drop (break-in), but we continue to have lower MPG on the new integrities. Alignment checked in November - still good. Would love to find a solution - might be the Michelins next.
good to hear about the energy savers being quiet, i think they will be my next tire. neohybrid, keep searching, there are many things that can affect mileage. perhaps it's coincidental, but the only way to find out would be to replace them again. tires for life? will they do it free?