"Green" Cars Plentiful at 2005 Tokyo Motor Show by Ann Job Wide variety of applications of fuel-saving, pollution-reducing "green" technology at the 39th Tokyo Motor Show. Visitors to the 2005 Tokyo Motor Show couldn't help but notice them. More than a dozen vehicles with environmentally friendly technology are at this year's show, reflective of a growing concern by consumers and many automakers about the impact that vehicles are having on the Earth. Article on 'Green Cars' at the motor show Link to motor show overview
Ok, this: "Toyota's Fine-X concept fuel-cell car, meantime, took maneuverability to a new level by incorporating an electric motor into each of its four wheels. Combined with narrow tires and a large-angle steering system, this four-seat hatchback can rotate on the spot and pivot to get into parking spots unlike any conventional auto." Is freaking cool! B)
Looks like the GS450h will be an absolute powerhouse... 0-60 in 5 seconds? Jeebus! And the HSD for the GS looks like it will be even better than the Prius in terms of advanced engineering. However, there's no word on what the fuel efficiency will be. Hopefully it's not a meagre 20% above what the GS300/430 get now (20/22 mpg according to ConsumerReports).
Don't forget, the GS450h is (I believe) the first HSD car with a regular transmission. It'll feature a 6-spd semi-automatic gearbox
Here is the Flash presentations for the concept cars from the Toyota site. Look for videos too. http://www.toyota.co.jp/en/autoshows/2005/tokyo/